Tu iPhone 4 dikî?

iPhone 4 îro bi dawî hat, ji me re li ser vê re agahdar bike. Tu wê bigirî??? Ez bi rastî yekê digirim..

Tu dixwazî yek ji bo xwe bigirî?

  1. yes
  2. yes
  3. yes
  4. yeah
  5. no
  6. no
  7. no
  8. no
  9. yes
  10. no, i'm not interested.

Tu dizanî dizaynekê?

  1. yes
  2. yes
  3. yes
  4. no
  5. yes
  6. yes, i like.
  7. yes
  8. no
  9. yes, i like designer.
  10. yes, i like the design.

Tu bi bihayê razî yî?

  1. yes
  2. no
  3. no
  4. yes
  5. no
  6. i think it's special, but a bit expensive.
  7. no
  8. no
  9. yes
  10. yes, even if it could cost a little less

Tu çi tiştî li ser iPhone 4 nehatî xweş?

  1. design
  2. price
  3. the applications downloading
  4. no
  5. it's kind of the same as the iphone 3.
  6. i don't understand.
  7. price
  8. too expensive
  9. is beautiful
  10. nothing because i know him little

Kîjan taybetmendî tu herî zêde xweş dîtî li ser iPhone 4?

  1. internet
  2. nice camera
  3. the style and the look
  4. everything
  5. city
  6. no one
  7. flash, front camera
  8. ability for apple to track you
  9. the design
  10. that all the young people want it
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