TV show Euphoria li Litvanya çend girîng e?

Ez xwendekarê salê duyem a Bachelor li KTU me û lêkolîn li ser têkiliyên online dikim. Ez dixwazim her kesê ku dikare beşdarî projeya lêkolînê ya min li ser şanoya amerîkî ya populer Euphoria bibe, bi fillandina vê anketê, bi taybetî ew ku bi vê şanoyê nasnamek heye. Wekî ku ev şanoyê gelek populer bûye di welatên ku bi zimanê Îngilîzî diaxivin, bi taybetî di Amerîkaya Bakur de, ew jî di navneteweyî de belav bûye. Bi vê lêkolînê, ez hewl didim ku çawa ev şanoyê girîng û populer e û çi tesîrê dikare li ser têkiliyên online hebû.

Encamên anketê bê nasname, ji ber vê yekê ewlekarî hatîye pêşkêş kirin. Pêşî ji hemû kesan ku diyar dikin ku beşdar bûn, spas!

[email protected]

Tu çi cinsî yî?

Tu çi komê temenê yî?

Tu ji kîjan bajarê Litvanya yî?

  1. cnmvvn
  2. vilnius
  3. kaunas
  4. kaunas
  5. vilnius
  6. vilnius
  7. panevėžys
  8. vilnius
  9. klaipeda
  10. vilnius

Tu şanoya Euphoria temaşakiriye?

Tu çawa li ser şanoya temaşakiriye?

  1. c njxdyuncx
  2. someone told me about it.
  3. online ad
  4. social media
  5. a friend mentioned it.
  6. friends were watching it and recommended it.
  7. instagram
  8. i saw a youtube video about it.
  9. reddit
  10. tiktok

Çend beşan temaşakiriye?

Tu çawa ev şanoyê (eger tu temaşakiriye) qîmetand?

Ma kesên li çarçoveya te jî şanoya temaşakiriye an jî bi wê nasnamek heye?

Ma tu di online de zêdetir postan li ser şanoya an mijarên ku di nîşan de bûn, dîtî? Heke erê, çawa û çi kesan li ser vê mijarê diaxivin?

  1. the text appears to be a string of letters that does not form a recognizable word or phrase in any language. if you meant something specific, please provide more context or clarify the text.
  2. people say it's almost like a visual novel. on the surface, i understand why some people are put off by teenage problems, but as a father to a tween, i honestly see many adults behaving in ways that many categorize as "teen angst." that said, it feels like a deep dive into the root and possible causes of long-term issues and how our actions reflect on our children in the future. i personally love it and find it very thought-provoking if you get past its surface-level content.
  3. the show is not for everyone despite its huge viewing numbers. that should be the first thing i say about the show.
  4. it’s graphic and deals with extremely mature and strong subjects that could be triggering to some. also, visually it’s absolutely stunning. some say it is boring, but i wouldn't say that it’s just another boring teenage show. i wouldn’t even say it’s a show for teenagers to watch.
  5. that it was a skins ripoff. it's one of those shows that tries to be all-out edgy and cool but in doing so sacrifices all quality. many, me as well, found it incredibly boring and depressing.
  6. yes, i've seen some tiktoks, reels, or ads.
  7. people say it's unlike any other 'teenage show'. it's definitely doing its own thing in an interesting way.
  8. i and others feel that the storyline is too repetitive and boring. i don’t care about the protagonist (her only personality trait is just having an outburst every 10 seconds or standing in the corner looking edgy), i don’t care about the other characters either (overly obnoxious and kind of dull), i don’t like how it inaccurately represents teens (not surprised because what teen show doesn’t do this?) and i hate how it tries hard to be eerie and mysterious. the acting is good, but the characters are unbearable and boring.
  9. in my opinion, it's a bit boring. but i only watched two episodes from season 2. it's too edgy and dark for my liking. i feel like i'm over this dark emo phase of my own, so problematic teens aren't that appealing to me anymore. one episode felt very boring to me, like there was no substance at all, just visuals. i don't care about rue at all. she wants to be a drug addict, and it's been made clear, so why should i care?
  10. the online posts were mocking something in the show (haircuts, for example); some posts were a kind of montage, perhaps suggesting that some people relate to certain characters. others made general comments about the portrayal of drug use and age differences between the characters in relationships.

Heke tu tiştek din an agahiyên zêde li ser vê mijarê hene, ji kerema xwe li vir parve bike:

  1. thfdmm xc
  2. a good and informative show, but not suitable for young audiences.
  3. good quiz.
  4. first time hearing about this tv show. i didn't even know such a tv show existed before stumbling upon this survey.
  5. no
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