Судасвдудын өвчин ба тэдгээрийн алдартай байдал

Өөртөө тохирох хоолны жагсаалтыг тэмдэглэнэ үү.

  1. the menu should include grains, vegetables, meat rarely, and a little fish.
  2. potatoes (rice, buckwheat) - anything, meat, salad with sour cream, dessert, water.
  3. leafy salad, meat, potatoes, water
  4. potatoes, meat, salad, juice
  5. potato, end, egg, sweet
  6. the menu is different every time, i really eat what i see. not tasty, let me check!
  7. pasta/rice/potatoes + meat/sausages + some salad + ketchup/mayonnaise/sour cream
  8. as every time, i prefer healthy food.
  9. a balanced diet that includes both cereals and meat products, fruits, and vegetables.
  10. visa type green fodder and fish, green tea
  11. very different, but overall i try to be healthy.