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Шинэ ТАВИЛГЫН интерфейсийн судалгаа
Шинэ ТАВИЛГЫН хувилбарыг бидэнд илүү сайн тохируулахын тулд судалгааг бөглөнө үү! Баярлалаа!
Шинэ тавилгын хувилбарын ажиллагаанд ямар нэгэн алдаа мэдэрч байна уу?
Тийм бол, яг ямар алдаа мэдэрч байгаагаа бичнэ үү
i can't open it. it worked perfectly until today, but now when i click on it, everything is white. what am i doing wrong?
you ate 143 kcal more today!
sometimes a data is not good...e.g. cycling / average speed
slow, stuttering
everything is wrong... the goal setting is not good, it calculates incorrectly. then the selection of foods is also slow, plus i can't specify things like 2 slices, or rather 100g, etc. the whole page is slow, and i think it looks worse... terrible...
slow, the dishes do not appear properly
many of the listed product values do not match reality. i tried to modify the listed value, but the system does not allow it. i think it would be beneficial to verify the actual data of the products.
Бусад бүх хүчин зүйлээс үл хамааран, ХУРДАН ЗААХЫН хувьд ХУДАЛДАН АВАХАД ХЭРХЭН БАЙНА ВЭ?
Бусад бүх хүчин зүйлээс үл хамааран, ЭСТЕТИКИЙН хувьд ХУДАЛДАН АВАХАД ХЭРХЭН БАЙНА ВЭ?
Бусад бүх хүчин зүйлээс үл хамааран, ТОДОРХОЙ БАЙДЛЫН хувьд ХУДАЛДАН АВАХАД ХЭРХЭН БАЙНА ВЭ?
Нийтлэг байдлаар хуучин хувилбартай харьцуулахад ямар байна вэ?
Шинэ тавилгын хувилбарт ямар нэгэн санал, тэмдэглэл, шаардлага байвал бичнэ үү. Бидэнд цаг гаргасанд баярлалаа!
hello! this site is very good. if i consistently stick to the diet, i always lose weight; as soon as i stop, the pounds come back. at first, the new interface was very strange, but i've gotten used to it. (i don't like using it on my phone, although i have a nokia windows phone.) i can see very little, and the 'stupid' google ads cover up the space. the interface itself is not very aesthetically pleasing. the colors are too contrasting and wild. someone with a good sense of color could recompose it a bit. in the design package, the main panel is practically the same. the mustard yellow of the right-side information bar is brutal. it could be a more subdued cool color (sky blue, dove gray). you could swap it with the color of the daily evaluation, for example. the final result should stand out. you could try changing the black frames and background to white, at least in the design pink package, as a test. i think it would be better. no one will pay for the design because the alternative choices are so bad. and i don't like the red-green either, but that's my problem. i wish you further good work and much success!
it would be great if jólenne could be downloaded as an app not only for android but also for iphone 🙂
since i was not familiar with the old version, i cannot evaluate it. i am glad i found the site.
i'm here for the first time, i don't know how the page opens. how can i proceed?
i can't use it.
it's really great that it shows the ratio of nutrients summarized for each meal. i really like it. super! :)
don't be discouraged, i know that developing any site is not easy, especially when you do it so generously and almost for free. i preferred the old one more in terms of transparency, but i'm trying to learn this one too :) this site has helped me a lot and my friend as well.
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