Шинэ ТАВИЛГЫН интерфейсийн судалгаа

Шинэ тавилгын хувилбарт ямар нэгэн санал, тэмдэглэл, шаардлага байвал бичнэ үү. Бидэнд цаг гаргасанд баярлалаа!

  1. na
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  3. hello! this site is very good. if i consistently stick to the diet, i always lose weight; as soon as i stop, the pounds come back. at first, the new interface was very strange, but i've gotten used to it. (i don't like using it on my phone, although i have a nokia windows phone.) i can see very little, and the 'stupid' google ads cover up the space. the interface itself is not very aesthetically pleasing. the colors are too contrasting and wild. someone with a good sense of color could recompose it a bit. in the design package, the main panel is practically the same. the mustard yellow of the right-side information bar is brutal. it could be a more subdued cool color (sky blue, dove gray). you could swap it with the color of the daily evaluation, for example. the final result should stand out. you could try changing the black frames and background to white, at least in the design pink package, as a test. i think it would be better. no one will pay for the design because the alternative choices are so bad. and i don't like the red-green either, but that's my problem. i wish you further good work and much success!
  4. it would be great if jólenne could be downloaded as an app not only for android but also for iphone 🙂
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  6. since i was not familiar with the old version, i cannot evaluate it. i am glad i found the site.
  7. i'm here for the first time, i don't know how the page opens. how can i proceed?
  8. i can't use it.
  9. it's really great that it shows the ratio of nutrients summarized for each meal. i really like it. super! :)
  10. don't be discouraged, i know that developing any site is not easy, especially when you do it so generously and almost for free. i preferred the old one more in terms of transparency, but i'm trying to learn this one too :) this site has helped me a lot and my friend as well.
  11. the texts on the buttons are misaligned, for example, when i type in "granulated sugar" it gets really confusing at the ... button, and the teaspoon and tablespoon don't fit on the button either, it looks very ugly like this and i don't understand that it says "0 g" according to taste. here, the 0 g falls between the two buttons! :o
  12. i couldn't find the option to add a new food and a new recipe!
  13. i would be happy if the dates also appeared next to the "today," "yesterday," etc. labels in the middle for easier and more reliable accessibility. aside from this and what has been described above, i am 100% satisfied with the site. i would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude to the creators and developers of the site. unlike many others, i am working on gaining weight with the help of the site, and it has absolutely worked for me, and i really love it! i have tried many food diary applications, but only a few of them were in hungarian and this convenient to use. i really like that i can find practically any food in the database and that i can track the changes in my parameters. i discovered this site about 2 years ago, and now it brings me extra joy that it has also become available on android, which works flawlessly as well. although i know that the site's profile is to assist with weight loss, it would be the icing on the cake for me if weight gain were also included among the available goals, as currently, when evaluating, the calories consumed always appear in a red box (even though for me this is green "news"), and the message expresses regret for the fact that i consumed more calories :d but this is really just a detail; i truly thank you for the invested work and the selfless help that the creators provide to the users. i wish the operators of the site continued success and good health! sincerely: a grateful user
  14. i can't check the ingredients of the food on the info tab.
  15. i can't use it like the older one.
  16. it would be good to have a reminder if i don't drink enough water...
  17. hello! i liked the older version much better; it was clearer, nicer to look at, and easier to handle (now you can't open the recipe right away). i just started using it again, and of course, this one is great too, but i prefer the older one more! :) good luck in the future!
  18. dear support :) the site is very good, i just have one observation: for running, walking, and other similar sports, it would be nice to include step and kilometer (or meter) counters next to the hour and minute. :) thank you. róbert.
  19. the fact that everything can be repeated in every way, and even favorite meals and days can be set, greatly speeds up the function. and this compensates for the fact that the previous one was "prettier." because this is not about aesthetics anymore, but about practicality. we will use every feature if it is convenient. thank you very much for everything!
  20. actually, the design is the only thing that i liked much better in the old version; it was more beautiful. in terms of usability, both versions are suitable for me. it's very good that the site is free; this is its main virtue and advantage, and that it isn't filled with pop-up ads related to weight loss and scammy things. one or two ads are quite bearable. whichever design remains, the fact that it's free is absolutely important to me. thank you for your work!
  21. i like the funny versions of the "i ate it" button.
  22. i have already written about it in the previous ones.
  23. i have gotten used to the old one that worked better for me. i've been using it for almost a year. this one doesn't work for me.
  24. it would be advisable to display the "nutrient suggestion" and "nutrient distribution" diagrams next to each other alongside "what did you eat?" because these two diagrams together assist in compiling the "daily menu."
  25. i think this new version is good, i just haven't gotten used to it yet. i used the old one out of habit.
  26. i'm happy with it as it is now! it's easy to use! thank you!
  27. in the desktop version, it was possible to navigate with the tab key, but i couldn't do that in this one; i found this to be a bug.
  28. the old version was easier to navigate; selecting favorites is not possible in the new version, or maybe i just don't know how to do it. i was better able to choose food from the dropdown list in the old version.
  29. i think the whole thing is opaque. it looks like the page isn't loading properly, or like it's some old graphics game. the most confusing part is that the essence is minimized to the point where i can hardly see it, the protein, fat, and carbohydrates in the individual foods. it's also very annoying that while, for example, my protein was blue when fulfilled, now it's red too, just like when i exceed something, which is extremely confusing. thank you very much for trying to innovate and be kind to us, and i don't want to offend anyone, but it wasn't necessary because the old one was perfect.
  30. hello! i've been using your website since the beginning of september and i've already lost 10 kg with its help! what i really regret is that during our trip abroad there was no internet, and i thought i would upload the web data later, but unfortunately, it got reset! now, during the holidays, i wanted to add one day later, but my days have reset again! it would be great if the log only reset after, say, one week of missing data uploads! i have the other data, the graph also shows the history, but the days have reset twice already!! thanks if you can fix this!
  31. i think it's also due to the sudden change, but i find it harder to grasp; i preferred the old one.
  32. it seems that the search has become more cumbersome, and i need to approach the sought item from multiple angles before it shows the right one. but it might just be my clumsiness, and i need to get used to the new version.
  33. it would be good if the program also reminded about fluid intake.
  34. meals could still be limited. for example, breakfast could be set up so that a certain percentage of the daily ingredients is allocated to that meal. this way, it would be immediately visible if someone ate too much at one meal (and then nothing afterward). this is essential for diabetics.
  35. the mobile app has become very bad :(
  36. it would be great if it could also summarize the weight of the food consumed daily and display this data in the diary. it is important for weight loss to find ways to reduce calories without decreasing the quantity of food, and for some, reducing the quantity may also be important even with foods that have the same calorie content. it could be a fun statistic to see how many thousands of tons of food members have stuffed themselves with daily/weekly/yearly..... :) go for it and happy new year, csaba magyari!
  37. my opinion is not significant, i haven't seen the old one. however, the design could be improved.
  38. i liked both this one and the old one too :)
  39. it's still a bit strange compared to the old one, but it's just a matter of getting used to it. it's definitely not worse than the old one. :)
  40. i like it :)
  41. dear site owners and developers! i would like to thank you for your work so far. with your help, i have managed to achieve a 20 kg loss. the new interface is a bit uncomfortable for me. i have gotten used to the old one over the years. i would be very happy if there were an option to use the old engine. thank you once again for being here and for asking for our opinion.
  42. i don't think that design is always the winning factor; i also create websites, and i've seen this for quite some time. i believe that simple things are still good to keep in such a site. this is especially true because so many different generations use the platform for weight loss. here are some observations i've made during usage for a while: 1. you can save meals, but i haven't really used that feature yet. what’s more important to me is that if someone cooks a larger portion, say enough for two days, it should be much easier to recall the previous meal for that day so i can quickly adjust the grams when i weigh the portion for that day. of course, i use the calendar to go back to the previous day and rearrange things. i think it would be worth asking if others have similar needs. perhaps it would be worthwhile to develop this. quick usage in this area would definitely be appreciated. i don't believe there isn't repetition among meals. then you could just quickly pull it up. but i will take a closer look at the saved items; that might help a lot as well. 2. the daily distribution can still cause issues. they say that eating five times a day is healthy. it’s often difficult to determine the portions and how that would be ideal. if the program could pre-allocate how much is ideal (e.g., breakfast 300, snack 250, etc.) and indicate how much i’ve exceeded within that, then the evening message (you went a bit over today) wouldn’t be a surprise sometimes. i think there are many people who can sit down to eat better in the evening, and this would encourage continuous eating throughout the day. so what i would suggest is that future developments should focus on facilitating daily use and really helping with the calculations.
  43. i really like it, it's transparent and fast. congratulations, very skilled!!!! thank you!
  44. this interface is perfect for phone and tablet applications. but on a computer, it looks a bit cheap and less serious.
  45. i would like there to be an app for ios!! thank you.
  46. in addition to the 3 macronutrients (protein, carbohydrates, fat), it might be good to see the fiber content of each food as well. :)
  47. since i had a long break, i will write down my observations over time if i have any. my comment written in the box above may not be accurate, but this is what i noticed. this could also be corrected in the old version.
  48. a little less advertising would be great. ;)
  49. at first, i had to get used to it, but i really like it :) i prefer the new one.
  50. hello! when entering food, the search does not respond to "enter," making the search slower, and after pressing "i ate it," the cursor does not jump back to the search field. everything else is great, the design is good!! thank you very much for your work! best, zsolti
  51. i love it very much :) thank you for being there <3 :)
  52. thank you very much, great site.
  53. i was surprised by the new version; it looks good and seems a bit more accurate at first glance, but it feels a bit more complicated to me, as the previous one was easier to handle. of course, my opinion is not the deciding factor; it is likely that the majority will find it good.
  54. i have a problem with the transparency; it's much harder for me to see what unit is selected and which meal corresponds to which time of day. maybe there are too many colors. but it might just be a matter of habit. so let's stick with the new one, even if i struggle with it even more. i really miss querying my own recipes. :( it's somehow similar to a cookbook. i know i've entered something, but who remembers six months later how it was saved... so many favorites to flip through... aah.. :) happy new year!
  55. the homepage is not organized, there are huge meaningless gaps between the "tiles." the search function does not work, which i found very disappointing. i don't understand the purpose of the "..." button in the new search results, as clicking it only shows the "i" (info) button. the info button could be displayed directly. for the "submit" button in the questionnaire, i receive the following error message: "$('#answer_form #submit').prop('disabled', false); // remove previous errors $('.answer_error_entry').removeclass('answer_error_entry'); // select entries with errors $("#entry_257219").addclass("answer_error_entry"); $('#error').fadeout().html('errors found<ul escape="false"><li>you answered very quickly. please think before answering.</li></ul>').fadein('fast', function(){ $('body').scrolltop($('#error').offset().top); });"
  56. the interface turned out very well. it's easy to use.
  57. it might be because i'm already used to the old one, but this one is slower. i sometimes can't enter fewer or more calories for the portions; when i enter something and press it, i realize afterward that it wasn't in the morning anymore. of course, this is just a matter of attention. i do it twice, one for myself and one for my husband, and i don't understand why i always have to stick to 1200 calories, whether i lose or gain weight. my husband loses weight very quickly, even if he has the same weight, the calories go down. that's why i've had to restart it many times because it only allowed me 700 calories. otherwise, i'm very satisfied with both the old and the new one; i've lost 15 kg in six months, and i don't want to lose more now, but i still keep writing. i've gotten used to it :)
  58. this version was very good if someone wanted to write something from a mobile device. it really provided a clear advantage that everything appears with larger buttons and there are fewer dropdown menus. however, accessed from a computer, it is confusing. it jumps around in the lines, and i never know where i am. plus, when i want to enter a food item, i can no longer navigate through its settings using the keyboard. until now, everything could be set with the arrow or tab keys, but now i have to search with the mouse to see where i am. moreover, the information written in the comments does not appear under the food name. for example, i couldn't find where the cherry flavor is for norbi's muesli bar because when i start typing "norbi muesli," it brings up a lot of options, but halfway through, it doesn't show which flavor it is... there has certainly been a lot of work put into this version, and it is undoubtedly helpful for many, but for me, it is a huge hindrance, and it is even frustrating that what i have been using daily for half a year and can handle with my eyes closed has now become unmanageable, and it takes twice as long to find where it jumped off to. perhaps, if there were a way to choose between the two versions, those who like this one on the computer could use it, while those who found the previous one more manageable could stick with that... or at least, it should be possible to navigate the site with something other than the mouse, and it shouldn't jump around based on where i just entered a food item because i still want to enter the next one, and i don't care how the line looks at the end of what i just entered. however, if possible, the mobile version would benefit from a more manageable interface for entering recipes, as mentioned after the first update, because when someone doesn't have the opportunity to sit at a computer, it is very cumbersome to click on anything on that mini interface... and if i zoom in, i can't see anything except the letters i've typed. (okay, i know they were curious about the desktop version... i'm done.) i wish you a merry christmas and a happy new year! and thank you very much for taking the time and energy to maintain, operate, and keep the site running!
  59. i preferred the old version, i still need to get used to this one!
  60. allowed to upload a picture.
  61. the smart features are good, but the aggressive colors are distracting; it's not clear which cube is active.
  62. i admit, at first i was taken aback by the new feature; it was worth mentioning that before we start ranting, we should try to befriend it. :) i would prefer if the category (breakfast...) were written at the top of the groups. it should be mandatory to specify a category. those who don't usually bother with categorization could write everything, for example, in the breakfast category. also, when adding a new food item, the previous similar category could be the default, or if there hasn't been one that day, breakfast. (and i can't see if my premium membership is visible, although the yellow star might indicate that. anyway, it's not important to me: i contributed for support purposes, i don't use the extras, but there may be others who do.) but these are minor things; overall, you are doing great, keep it up! thanks, regards: ferenc buzás
  63. the design is good for mobile, but not nice on a desktop; it's very angular and masculine. i think since more women use it than men, it should be refined a bit :)
  64. the comments on the recipes are not visible, making it harder to choose which one is the right one (e.g., i don't see the "drain the oil" comment for rio mare tuna right away in the dropdown list).
  65. we are used to the old way - and it always takes time to switch to something new.
  66. the mobile and desktop interface should not be merged. i haven't really seen an example of this (at least in terms of the mobile interface) yet. back when the opaque "every box" mobile interface was introduced, i only stayed with kalóriabázis because the desktop interface could also be used on the phone. :-(
  67. it would be possible to find the calorie values of more "raw" ingredients... and when entering a "new dish," it could be much simpler to provide the values... and there was something else, but unfortunately, it doesn't come to mind right now... :d
  68. i'm sorry, i don't use it much, and since the new look came out, i've only tried it once. maybe i just need to get used to it, but i was initially scared of it. it was difficult, but i eventually found everything; i even managed to enter a new recipe, but honestly, i missed the old familiar interface. the old one was completely usable for me, and although the design wasn't a typical trendy modern thing, it was unique and we got used to it. practically, the appearance can take away a person's appetite, but in this case, that's very good; the creator has incredible taste. :) and it seems like i have to click a bit more than before. but i guess it has become more usable on mobile now. what i like about it is that you can now immediately see the composition of the foods i ate. so it can stay like this; we just need to get used to it. next time i tackle it again, the thick black borders should be avoided, and the colors should be made a bit pastel.
  69. both are good, there isn't really much change, and what change there is doesn't add anything extra. but in reality, i can't even say what should or could be improved, as it is always subjective. it reflects the client's needs and wishes, as well as the web designer's.
  70. at first, i couldn't type zero on the macintosh (i don't have a num lock), but that's no longer an issue. however, the uzsi, vacsi, nasi buttons bother me when i add a dish. i assume the smaller buttons are needed for the mobile view, but couldn't the full name be displayed? but let this be my least concern, thank you for maintaining and developing the site. merry christmas!
  71. just a small observation. after i enter a specific dish, it would be great if the cursor would jump back to the "input" bar so that i don't have to click there separately. the site has turned out really well, and i will always support you!!! klaudia46
  72. i'm sure i'll get used to it if it stays like this, but i handled the old one faster.
  73. although i currently feel it is very unclear, it will obviously take a few weeks and it will be clear. thank you for your work! istván németh "nemist"
  74. the page is too colorful; it's distracting that everything appears in strong, saturated colors. it would be easier on the eyes with a neutral background and mixed colors in softer tones.
  75. if no one is complaining that they want a change, then i don't understand why we need to ruin what has already worked.
  76. using the new version on the ipad is not as comfortable. of course, it may change!
  77. in addition to the calories, it should be possible to note in a comment, in any way, what exactly it is, and it should also be possible to save it.
  78. i'll get used to it over time. :)
  79. the new black frame containing the consumed foods turned out quite grim, just like an obituary. the nutrient table is not very distinctive in colors; the old one somehow presented the information more strikingly. aside from these, i love the calorie base; it’s a huge help in the daily struggle! i quickly got used to the new way of entering units and quantities as well. so thank you for providing this, and i wish you a successful and happy new year!
  80. many ads are not well placed in it.
  81. i'm sorry that you changed it! it seems cumbersome. i will look for another one, as i got used to and liked this one.
  82. don't listen to the grumblers, you are heading in a very good direction and many users are helping you! creating and developing such a site is not easy; there are and will be mistakes, and they will be fixed! what is a bit chaotic is the jumble of ready-made products that have been uploaded, but that's our fault, the users'! if someone is unable to accurately describe the details of a packaging, there is nothing that can be done about it. searching is a bit cumbersome among so much data, but it's not impossible; sometimes it will only yield results after multiple attempts and checks. i love this application, congratulations on it, and thank you on behalf of all users!
  83. in the new version, from a usability perspective, it is missing (at least i experienced this a few days ago on a desktop) that when i enter a food item, the cursor does not stay in the input field, so i cannot continuously input meals through typing-enter-typing-enter, etc.
  84. very good! thank you! the new version is easier to handle. i mean, i was happy with the old one too :)
  85. don't listen to the whiners, the new version is really great work. do it the way you think is best, you're mostly completely right :) one observation is that the search function could still be improved, for example with exact word searches (specifically, "tomato" or "apple" appears around page 6 after a lot of apple pie, tomato soup, etc.), and detailed searches (e.g., contains these two words, in any order). additionally, it would greatly facilitate the addition of new foods and recipes if the shortcut keys that speed up the meal logging process worked there as well, and if the cursor would jump back to the search bar after entering an ingredient, it would jump to the next field for the food. i would also find it useful if daily calorie expenditure could be recorded simply through sports without any hassle, but that's really just a "if you ever get bored to death and everything else is perfect" project :) for those with an activity tracker, they get a pretty accurate number every day of how many calories they burned, it would be nice if the daily limit/calorie expenditure could be adjusted accordingly every day. related to this, currently, if someone changes their limit, it retroactively rewrites everything. so if you lower it, say to shed the extra holiday pounds, then every period where the limit was higher looks like you were constantly exceeding it. it's not a huge deal, but it would be more motivating and useful if "nothing would change about the past." thanks for all the work you put into the site, even if the noise of the whining idiots drowns it out, there are a few of us who are quietly applauding you in the background! merry christmas!
  86. the quantities are harder to choose, for example with soups
  87. in two days, it took away my enjoyment of using the site.
  88. each added dish takes up so much space that hardly anything fits on the screen; the whole thing has become cluttered and overthought. sometimes less is more. it's great that this site exists at all; no one expects you to keep it updated.
  89. nothing