Cyprus Market Research: Prepared Diet Meal Plan Delivery Services - Customer Survey

As-salaamu alaykum, ani barataa digrii Master’s ta’eedha Business Administration kan Yunivarsiitii Frederick’s Conventional MBA program keessa jiru, akkasumas thesis koo xumura qopheessaa jira, kunis barnoota Master’s guutuu irratti dirqama. Kaayyoon thesis koo qorannoo gabaa gochuu dhaaf, oomisha/serviisii haaraa gabaa Cyprus irratti.

Serviisii ykn oomisha kun yeroo baay’ee "Prepared Diet Meal Plan Subscription Service" ykn "Prepared Diet Meal Plan Delivery Service" jedhamee waamama, garuu maqaa mirkanaa’e tokko hin jiru, qorannoo kanaaf maqaa jalqabaa fi akroniimii PDMPSS fayyadamna. 

PDMPSS tajaajila haaraa ta’e kan industirii qopheessuu fi geejjibaa nyaataa. Yeroo baay’ee "Keenya nyaata torbanitti", "Tajaajila geejjiba nyaataa guyyaa", "Nyaata torbanitti qophaa’e", "Nyaata kaloorii xiqqaa qophaa’e" fi kanneen biroo akka agarsiifamu.

Ibsa gabaabaa tajaajila akkasii: namoota nyaata qopheessuu hin fedhin ykn yeroo qopheessuu hin qabneef furmaata dhiyeessuu, abbootii qabeenyaa isaanii nyaata torbanitti qophaa’e kanneen garaagarummaa nyaataa fi filannoo nyaataa dhiyeessuu, nyaata guutuu guyyaa torbanitti qophaa’e, kanneen guyyaa qophaa’anii fi salaatota fi kuduraawwan haaraa waliin qabatanii, guyyaa guyyaan abbootii qabeenyaa isaanii bakka buufataniitti geejjibaa. Guyyaa guyyaan geejjiba nyaataa kan of keessaa qabu, qophiin qophaa’e, midhaan fi daabboo, akkasumas soorata dabalataa yoo barbaachisaa ta’e. Nyaatni guyyaa guyyaan kaloorii abbootii qabeenyaa isaanii barbaachisummaa irratti hunda’a, kaayyoo ulfaatina isaanii, ulfaatina hir’isuuf, eeggachuuf ykn argachuuf, fayyaa, soorata, tapha ykn jireenya ammayyaa. Nyaatni kun yeroo baay’ee dhiyaatanii fi qophaa’anii, akkasumas soorata fayyaa fi qophaa’eedha. Menuun umuriin 15 hanga 65+ ta’aniif mijataa dha, akkasumas ijoollee fi namoota dulloomaaaf qophaa’uun ni danda’ama. Karoora nyaataa namoota badiin nyaata irraa gara jireenya nyaata fayyaaatti ceesisuuf gargaara, sababiin isaas qophaa’anii fi qoodamanii jiru. Qoricha dubbisuu, qooduu yaaduu ykn soorata baay’achuu, qopheessuu ykn qulqulleessuu hin jiru, nyaata fayyaa qophaa’e qofa. Nyaatni kun paakijii deebisanii fayyadamuu, deebisanii qophaa’anii ykn paakijii kompostable keessatti qabatama. Paakijii nyaataa guyyaa guyyaan geejjibaa sa’aatii ganamaa, giddugaleessaa ykn galgalaaf qophaa’a. Akkasumas tajaajila kana bituun, namoonni fi maatii isaanii carbon footprint isaanii hir’isu, akkasumas suuqii fi suuqiiwwan daawwachuu isaanii ni hir’isa.

Qorannoo kanaan, profile abbootii qabeenyaa, filannoo, barbaachisummaa fi fedhii isaanii baruu yaalaa jira. Akkasumas, baay’ina fi dandeettii yeroo dheeraa gabaa abbootii qabeenyaa fi beekumsa oomisha abbootii qabeenyaa.

Qorannoon kun maqaa hin qabu, akkasumas odeeffannoo hirmaataa waliin walqabsiisuu hin danda’u. Gaaffilee hundaa ajaja gaaffii tokkoon deebisuu akka si gaafatu, garuu gaaffii si hin jaalanne deebisuu dhiisuu ni dandeessa. Qorannoo xumuruuf daqiiqaa 10 qofa fudhata.

Yeroo fi carraaqqii keetiif galatoomaa, qorannoo kana xumuruuf, odeeffannoo barbaachisaa argachuuf gargaara, akkasumas namoota baay’ee fedhii fi barbaachisummaa isaanii ibsachuuf carraa ni kenna, akkasumas dhaabbilee oomisha isaanii fi tajaajiloota isaanii fooyyessuuf carraa ni kenna, akkasumas jireenya abbootii qabeenyaa fooyyessuuf.


Bu'aa gaaffiilee kan ummataa

What is your age? ✪

Please select your age group.

What is your gender? ✪

Please select Female or Male or Other.

What is your Nationality? ✪

Select one answer.

Where do you live in Cyprus? ✪

Select one answer. In case you work in another city than the one you reside, then select where you prefer to have the package delivered to.

Which area do you live in? ✪

Select one answer.

What is your Net Monthly Income? ✪

Select you income group in Euro.

What is your marital status? ✪

Select one answer.

What is your current weight category? ✪

Select one answer.

What is your current weight goal? ✪

Select one answer.

How do you rate yourself in achieving your weight goals? ✪

On a scale of 1 to 7, with 1 being impossible and 7 being very easy.

How do you rate the following weight managing methods? ✪

Please move ALL the scale bar sliders, ranging from Not important to Very important.
Not important
Very important

Were you satisfied with the last diet or weight control product you tried? ✪

Select one answer.

Type below the last weight control product or diet you tried with satisfactory results? ✪

How do you consider your diet profile to be like? ✪

Select one answer.

Do you have any other diet restrictions due to health or other related reasons? ✪

You can choose more than one answer if needed.

Have you used a Prepared Diet Meal Plan Subscription Service? ✪

Select one answer.

What was the total period you subscribed to a Prepared Diet Meal Plans Subscription Service? ✪

Select one answer.

Where did you try for the first time a Prepared Diet Meal Plan Subscription Service? ✪

Select one answer.

Which of Cyprus "Prepared Diet Meal Plan Subscription Service" companies you tried? ✪

You can choose more than one answer if needed.

How do you rate your overall satisfaction with the product/service of PDMPSS? ✪

On a scale of 1 to 7, with 1 being very unsatisfied and 7 being very satisfied. If you never tried this service select 0.

Did the PDMPSS help you achieve your weight and/or lifestyle goal? ✪

Select one answer.

Where did you find information about above mentioned companies? ✪

You can choose more than one answer if needed.

Which of the following diets do you like or would you like to try? ✪

You can choose more than one answer.

When or if choosing a "Prepared Meal Plan Subscription service" company, your choice is influenced by: ✪

Please move ALL the scale bar sliders, ranging from Rarely to Often.

What could be optimal price per day for you to consider starting the Prepared Diet Meal Plan Subscription? ✪

Select one answer.

Considering the health, cost and time benefits of the PDMPSS, at a weekly cost ranging from 70 to 130 euro per person, would you buy this service for yourself or for others? ✪

Generally PDMPSS' customers can choose from 3 to 7 daily packages of 3 meals with or without snack and desert, of 1400, 1600, 1800 or more kcal per day depending on their weight goal. You can select more than one answer.