Seera qabeenya

Seera qabeenya kana keessatti, siyaasaa fi adeemsa keenya odeeffannoo walitti qabuu, fayyadamuufi ifaajjeessuuf yeroo tajaajila fayyadamtan ibsama, akkasumas mirgoota keessan qabeenya keessaniif akkamitti seerota ittiin eegu ibsama.

Odeeffannoo keessan tajaajila kennuufi fooyyessuuf fayyadamna. Tajaajila fayyadamuun odeeffannoo walitti qabuu fi fayyadamuuf seera qabeenya kana waliin walii galtee qabdu.

Ibsa fi hiika


Jecha jalqabaa gubbaa barreessuun hiika qaba, hiikni isaanii seera kana keessatti ibsame. Hiikni kun hiika walfakkaatu qaba, tokkoo fi baay'ee ta'uu isaa ilaalchisee.


Seera qabeenya kanaaf:

Odeeffannoo dhuunfaa keessan walitti qabuu fi fayyadamuun

Odeeffannoo walitti qabamu

Odeeffannoo dhuunfaa

Tajaajila keenya fayyadamuun, odeeffannoo si beeksisuuf nuuf kennuu dandeessu, kan si qunnamsiisu yookaan eenyummaa kee mirkaneessuuf. Odeeffannoo si beeksisuun kan of keessaa qabu, garuu kan itti fufuu hin dandeenye:

Odeeffannoo Fayyadamaa

Odeeffannoo Fayyadamaa tajaajila fayyadamuun ofumaa walitti qabama.

Odeeffannoo Fayyadamaa kan of keessaa qabu odeeffannoo akka teessoo IP meeshaa keeti (fakkeenyaaf, IP teessoo), gosa marsariitii, gosa marsariitii, fuula tajaajila keenya daawwatame, yeroo fi guyyaa daawwatame, yeroo fuula sana irratti dabarse, iddoo adda ta'e fi odeeffannoo biroo.

Yeroo tajaajila bilbila fayyadamuun argattu, odeeffannoo tokko tokko walitti qabuu dandeenya, kan of keessaa qabu, garuu kan itti fufuu hin dandeenye, gosa bilbila fayyadamaa, ID adda bilbila, teessoo IP bilbila, sirna hojii bilbila, gosa marsariitii bilbila, iddoo adda ta'e fi odeeffannoo biroo.

Akkaataawwan bilbila keessan yeroo tajaajila keenya daawwataniif yookaan tajaajila bilbila fayyadamuun nuuf erguu dandeessu.

Teknoolojii hordoffii fi cookie

Hordoffii fi teknoolojii walitti qabuu fayyadamuun tajaajila keenya irratti hojiirra oolchuu fi odeeffannoo tokko tokko kuufuu dandeenya. Teknoolojii hordoffii kanneen fayyadaman, buufata, mallattoo fi sirna odeeffannoo walitti qabuu fi hordofuu fi tajaajila keenya fooyyessuuf fi xiinxaluuf.

Cookie "dura" yookaan "seensa" ta'uu danda'a. Cookiewwan dursaa komputara keessan yookaan bilbila keessan irratti yeroo interneeta irraa fagaattan ni jiraatu, cookie seensa immoo yeroo marsariitii cufamu ni haqama.

Cookie seensa fi dursaa gosa armaan gadii irratti fayyadamna:

Odeeffannoo dabalataa cookiewwan keenyaafi filannoo keessan walqabatu argachuuf, seera cookie keenya yookaan kutaa seera qabeenya keenya irratti daawwadhaa.

Yours data use

We may use your data for:

We may share your personal information in the following cases:

Your data storage

We will store your data only as long as necessary for the purposes outlined in this privacy policy. We will retain and use your data as long as necessary to fulfill our legal obligations (e.g., if we are required to keep your data to comply with applicable laws), resolve disputes, and enforce our legal agreements and policies.

We will also store usage data for internal analysis purposes. Usage data is generally retained for a shorter duration, except when this data is used to enhance security or improve service functionality, or we are legally obligated to retain this data for a longer period.

Your data transfer

Your information, including personal data, is processed at our offices and in any other locations where the processing parties are located. This means that this information may be transferred and stored on computers located outside your state, province, country, or other governmental jurisdiction, where data protection laws may differ from your jurisdiction.

Your consent to this privacy policy and submission of such information signifies your consent to such transfer.

We will take all reasonably necessary steps to ensure that your data is treated securely and in accordance with this privacy policy, and your personal data will not be transferred to an organization or country unless there are adequate controls in place, including the security of your data and other personal information.

Delete personal data

You have the right to delete or request that we assist in deleting personal data we have collected about you.

Our service may provide you with the ability to delete certain information about you from the service.

You can update, correct, or delete your information at any time by logging into your account, if you have one, and visiting the account settings section where you can manage your personal information. You can also contact us and request access to any personal information you have provided us, correct, or delete it.

However, please note that we may need to retain certain information when we have a legal obligation or legitimate basis to do so.

Your data disclosure

Business operations

If the company is involved in a merger, acquisition, or sale of assets, your personal data may be transferred. We will provide notice before your personal data is transferred and will be subject to a different privacy policy.

Law enforcement

Under certain circumstances, we may be required to disclose your personal data if required by law or in response to valid requests by public authorities (e.g., a court or government agency).

Other legal requirements

We may disclose your personal data in good faith believing that such actions are necessary:

Your data security

Your data security is important to us, but remember that no method of transmission over the