Дали интернет технологијата представува предизвик за бизнисите?

How familiar are you with internet technology?

What is your current occupation?

  1. maqaa qopheessuu
  2. mediyaa hawaasummaa

In your opinion, does internet technology provide more opportunities than challenges for businesses?

What type of business do you currently work for?

  1. miseensa qopheessuu
  2. pharmacy: farmasii

How has the integration of internet technology impacted your business's communication?

  1. ani raawwattoota waliin salphaan hojjedha, akkasumas meeshaalee irratti barachuu danda'a.

Have you encountered any major challenges due to internet technology in your business operations?

If yes, please specify the challenges faced.

    How do you rate the importance of social media for your business?

    What strategies has your business employed to adapt to internet technology?

    1. intarneetii beeksisuu, dhiheessii intarneetii irratti

    Do you believe that internet technology has increased competition in your industry?

    What tools related to internet technology does your business use? (Select all that apply)

    How often do you train your staff on new internet technologies?

    What concerns do you have regarding data security related to internet technology?

    1. garaagarummaa guddaa fi yaaddoo nageenya odeeffannoo.

    How do you measure the success of your internet technology initiatives?

      In your experience, how has internet technology affected customer engagement?

      1. It affects positive

      What specific areas of internet technology do you find most challenging to implement?

        Have you invested in internet technology for your business in the past year?

        If yes, what kind of internet technology have you invested in?

          Do you foresee increasing your investment in internet technology in the coming year?

          What recommendations would you give to businesses struggling with internet technology?

            Any additional comments or insights regarding the challenges of internet technology for businesses?

              Gaaffii keeti uumiAnketaa kanaaf deebii kenni