Escape rooms survey in Lithuania

As-salaamu alaykum!

Vilnius keessatti qophii qajeelchaa irratti gaaffilee armaan gadii deebisuu dandeessu.

Deebii keessaniif galatoomaa fi yeroo gaariin qabaadhaa!

Bu'aa gaaffii kan ummataaf ifa

What is your age? ✪

In which city do you live? ✪

Do you know what escape room is? ✪

How did you know about escape room? ✪

Have you ever visited escape room? ✪

How many times have you visited escape room? ✪

Did you like your visit to escape room? ✪

Do you want to visit escape room again? ✪

How do you prefer spending your leasure time? ✪

Would you like to participate in free testing of new escape room? If yes, please leave your contact information ✪