Health, Beauty and you.

Qooda barnoota kootii ani fedhii qabuu produkti beauty fi bitachuu fi fayyadamuu amaloota walqabatee addaan kan ibsu. Galatoomi si dursee daqiiqaa xiqqoo kan si guddisu kan kun quizz!


Bu'aa gaaffiilee kan ummataa

How often do you buy beauty products?

You used to buy your beauty products...

What is the most important to you, it is...

What opportunity do you buy beauty products?

About your own consumption...

In general, you like rather so-called brand beauty products...

What importance do you attach to the following criteria for the choice of a beauty product?

not important
a little bit important
very important
the smell
the universe (communication, history)
the price
the brand
the color, packaging

Do you know one or more characteristic (s) of one of your products of beauty (ingredients, history...)

As a general rule, when you see an advertisement of cosmetics on TV or in the press...

In an advertisement of cosmetic, what importance do you attach to the following criteria?

not important
a little important
very important
the history
the celebrity, star
the music
the product itself

For you, the great directors who create advertisements and short films for products (Martin Scorsese for Bleu de Chanel, Luc Besson for N ° 5, Sofia Coppola for I love of Dior) this...

in the past 12 months, how cosmetic advertising made a deep impression on you? Why?

In the past 12 months, have you ever:

beauty product site offering videos, information, animations that...

Do you know the "SAMPAR" brand?

You are ...

your age

your situation

Your Nationality ✪