Llamas' Valley reader's survey

Akka dubbistoota keenya waliin walqunnamuuf, qorannoo dubbistoota keenya jalqabaa gaggeessuu murteessine. Guyyaa keessan keessaa daqiiqaa 5 fudhachuudhaan qorannoo gabaabaa kana nuuf guutuu dandeessu taanaan, galatoomaa. Kunis, maqaaf maaliif akka nuuf ibsituu fi maaliif akka arguu barbaadduuf carraa siif ta'a.


Qorannoo kana xumuruuf galatoomaa, dubbistoota 3 (filataman) 3 kennaa ajaa'ibsiisaa argatu. Kennaa ajaa'ibsiisaa keessaa: Fume Quarts Gemstone Necklace "BlueBirdLab" irraa, pillow faayidaa "Artwork Milena" irraa, fi uffata ganna qabbanaa'aa "Happeak" irraa. Yeroo qorannoo xumurame dubbistoota 3 milkaa'oo filanna. Karoora kana keessatti hirmaachuuf, maqaa fi email kee galchuu dandeessa.


Qorannoon keenya guyyoota 30f online ta'a. Isinitti fayyadamuu fi walqunnamtii miidiyaa hawaasaa keessanitti qooduu dandeessu. Yaaddoo hin qabin, deebii fi odeeffannoo keessan garee biroo waliin qoodamu hin danda'u, akkasumas dhoksaa ta'a!


Gaaffii yoo qabaattan, nu qunnamaa [email protected].


Yaada keessan nu waliin qooduu keessaniif galatoomaa! 


Llamas' Valley reader's survey
Bu'aa gaaffiilee kan qopheessaa qofaaf

Do you read Llamas’ Valley magazine? ✪

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If you read Llamas' Valley on iPad, do you prefer...

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Do you enjoy the interactivity of the iPad edition?

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How frequently do you read Llamas' Valley magazine?

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Where did you first discover Llamas' Valley?

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On average, how long do you spend reading an issue of Llamas' Valley?

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What do you think is a reasonable prize to pay for a copy of Llamas' Valley?

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What do you think is a reasonable prize to pay for a one-year subscription to Llamas' Valley magazine?

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Typically, how many people read your copy of Llamas' Valley besides you?

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Are you a subscriber to Llamas' Valley newsletter?

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These are the sections that appear regularly in Llamas' Valley magazine. Please indicate how often you read of look at them.

Deebiin gaaffii kana ifa hin ta'u
Kitaaba hunda
Kitaabota hedduu
Kitaabota muraasa
Hedduu hin dubbisne
Barreeffama editor
Waliigalteewwan uumamaa
Seenaa mana
Design unplugged (news design fi art)
Seenaa nyaataa fi qopheessuu
Blog-talk (waliigalteewwan blogger waliin)
Yeroo tokko (instagramers jaalalaa irratti)

Do you think the articles in the magazine are too long / too short?

Deebiin gaaffii kana ifa hin ta'u

How effective are the photos in the magazine?

Deebiin gaaffii kana ifa hin ta'u

Are there any issues, topics, or themes that you’d like to see in the upcoming issues of Llamas’ Valley?

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What do you think of Llamas’ Valley magazine’s design?

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In terms of the design, what stands out most and / or what could use some work?

Deebiin gaaffii kana ifa hin ta'u

What do you think of Llamas’ Valley magazine’s cover design?

Deebiin gaaffii kana ifa hin ta'u

In terms of the cover, what stands out most and / or what could use some work?

Deebiin gaaffii kana ifa hin ta'u

What would you like to see on the cover of the next issue of Llamas’ Valley?

Deebiin gaaffii kana ifa hin ta'u

In your opinion, what is the uniqueness of Llamas’ Valley magazine?

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Do you visit the Llamas’ Valley website (Llamasvalley.com)?

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If yes, how often do you visit the website?

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Do you access the Llamas’ Valley website through a mobile device?

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What kind of content would you like to see added to the Llamas’ Valley website?

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If you are a current subscriber to Llamas’ Valley magazine, how likely are you to renew your subscription when it comes due?

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If you are a former subscriber to Llamas’ Valley magazine, why did you not renew?

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Which country are you from?

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Maaloo umuriin kee meeqa?

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Isin dubartii moo dhiira?

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What is your education?

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What is your annual household income?

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What are your fields of interest?

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What other print and online magazines do you read?

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Do you have any comments or suggestions for the editor?

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