Maaltu fakkeenya keessan gara kibba Moskvatti walitti dhufaa?

Maaltu fakkeenya keessan gara bahaa Moskvatti walitti dhufaa? Deebii gaaffilee kanaaf, dhuma irratti button SUBMIT tuqaa hin dagatinaa.

Bu'aa gaaffiilee kan ummataa

Moskvatti yeroo tokkoo ol turteetta? (Have you ever been to Moscow?)

Moskvatti yeroo tokkoo ol turteetta? (Have you ever been to Moscow?)

Moskvatti siif jaalataa? (Do you like Moscow?)

Yoo Moskvatti turte, kibba Moskvatti turteetta? (If you have been to Moscow, whether you have visited the south of Moscow?)

Fakkeenyi kun maalummaa keessan gara kibba Moskvatti walitti dhufaa? (Does this image match your idea (mental representation) of the south of Moscow?)

Fakkeenyi kun maalummaa keessan gara kibba Moskvatti walitti dhufaa? (Does this image match your idea (mental representation) of the south of Moscow?)

Fakkeenyi kun maalummaa keessan gara kibba Moskvatti walitti dhufaa? (Does this image match your idea (mental representation) of the south of Moscow?)

Fakkeenyi kun maalummaa keessan gara kibba Moskvatti walitti dhufaa? (Does this image match your idea (mental representation) of the south of Moscow?)

Fakkeenyi kun maalummaa keessan gara kibba Moskvatti walitti dhufaa? (Does this image match your idea (mental representation) of the south of Moscow?)

Fakkeenyi kun maalummaa keessan gara kibba Moskvatti walitti dhufaa? (Does this image match your idea (mental representation) of the south of Moscow?)

Fakkeenyi kun maalummaa keessan gara kibba Moskvatti walitti dhufaa? (Does this image match your idea (mental representation) of the south of Moscow?)

Fakkeenyi kun maalummaa keessan gara kibba Moskvatti walitti dhufaa? (Does this image match your idea (mental representation) of the south of Moscow?)

Fakkeenyi kun maalummaa keessan gara kibba Moskvatti walitti dhufaa? (Does this image match your idea (mental representation) of the south of Moscow?)

Fakkeenyi kun maalummaa keessan gara kibba Moskvatti walitti dhufaa? (Does this image match your idea (mental representation) of the south of Moscow?)

Fakkeenyi kun maalummaa keessan gara kibba Moskvatti walitti dhufaa? (Does this image match your idea (mental representation) of the south of Moscow?)

Fakkeenyi kun maalummaa keessan gara kibba Moskvatti walitti dhufaa? (Does this image match your idea (mental representation) of the south of Moscow?)

Fakkeenyi kun maalummaa keessan gara kibba Moskvatti walitti dhufaa? (Does this image match your idea (mental representation) of the south of Moscow?)

Fakkeenyi kun maalummaa keessan gara kibba Moskvatti walitti dhufaa? (Does this image match your idea (mental representation) of the south of Moscow?)

Fakkeenyi kun maalummaa keessan gara kibba Moskvatti walitti dhufaa? (Does this image match your idea (mental representation) of the south of Moscow?)

Fakkeenyi kun maalummaa keessan gara kibba Moskvatti walitti dhufaa? (Does this image match your idea (mental representation) of the south of Moscow?)

Suuraan kun yaada keessan (yaada sammuu) kibba Moskvii waliin walsimataa?

Suuraan kun yaada keessan (yaada sammuu) kibba Moskvii waliin walsimataa?

Suuraan kun yaada keessan (yaada sammuu) kibba Moskvii waliin walsimataa?

Suuraan kun yaada keessan (yaada sammuu) kibba Moskvii waliin walsimataa?