Maaltu suuraawwan yaada keessan waliin walitti dhufaa? (What images coincide with your ideas about the east of Moscow?)

Maaltu suuraawwan yaada keessan waliin walitti dhufaa? Gaaffilee deebisuu keessan booda, dhuma irratti SUBMIT tuqaa hin dagatinaa.

Maaltu suuraawwan yaada keessan waliin walitti dhufaa? (What images coincide with your ideas about the east of Moscow?)
Bu'aa gaaffiilee kan ummataa

Moscow keessatti yeroo tokkoo turteetta? (Have you ever been to Moscow?) ✪

Moscow keessatti yeroo tokkoo turteetta? (Have you ever been to Moscow?)

Moscow jaalattuu? (Do you like Moscow?)

Moscow jaalattuu? (Do you like Moscow?)

Moscow keessatti turteetta, naannoo Moscow dhiyaa turteetta? (If you have been to Moscow, whether you have visited the east of Moscow?)

Moscow keessatti turteetta, naannoo Moscow dhiyaa turteetta? (If you have been to Moscow, whether you have visited the east of Moscow?)

Suuraan kun yaada keessan waliin walitti dhufaa? (Does this image match your idea (mental representation) of the east of Moscow?) ✪

Suuraan kun yaada keessan waliin walitti dhufaa? (Does this image match your idea (mental representation) of the east of Moscow?)

Suuraan kun yaada keessan waliin walitti dhufaa? (Does this image match your idea (mental representation) of the east of Moscow?) ✪

Suuraan kun yaada keessan waliin walitti dhufaa? (Does this image match your idea (mental representation) of the east of Moscow?)

Suuraan kun yaada keessan waliin walitti dhufaa? (Does this image match your idea (mental representation) of the east of Moscow?) ✪

Suuraan kun yaada keessan waliin walitti dhufaa? (Does this image match your idea (mental representation) of the east of Moscow?)

Suuraan kun yaada keessan waliin walitti dhufaa? (Does this image match your idea (mental representation) of the east of Moscow?) ✪

Suuraan kun yaada keessan waliin walitti dhufaa? (Does this image match your idea (mental representation) of the east of Moscow?)

Suuraan kun yaada keessan waliin walitti dhufaa? (Does this image match your idea (mental representation) of the east of Moscow?) ✪

Suuraan kun yaada keessan waliin walitti dhufaa? (Does this image match your idea (mental representation) of the east of Moscow?)

Suuraan kun yaada keessan waliin walitti dhufaa? (Does this image match your idea (mental representation) of the east of Moscow?) ✪

Suuraan kun yaada keessan waliin walitti dhufaa? (Does this image match your idea (mental representation) of the east of Moscow?)

Suuraan kun yaada keessan waliin walitti dhufaa? (Does this image match your idea (mental representation) of the east of Moscow?) ✪

Suuraan kun yaada keessan waliin walitti dhufaa? (Does this image match your idea (mental representation) of the east of Moscow?)

Suuraan kun yaada keessan waliin walitti dhufaa? (Does this image match your idea (mental representation) of the east of Moscow?) ✪

Suuraan kun yaada keessan waliin walitti dhufaa? (Does this image match your idea (mental representation) of the east of Moscow?)

Suuraan kun yaada keessan waliin walitti dhufaa? (Does this image match your idea (mental representation) of the east of Moscow?) ✪

Suuraan kun yaada keessan waliin walitti dhufaa? (Does this image match your idea (mental representation) of the east of Moscow?)

Suuraan kun yaada keessan waliin walitti dhufaa? (Does this image match your idea (mental representation) of the east of Moscow?) ✪

Suuraan kun yaada keessan waliin walitti dhufaa? (Does this image match your idea (mental representation) of the east of Moscow?)

Geografi, aadaa, seenaa fi jireenya ammayyaa Moscow irratti xiqqoo barbaaddaa? (Are you interested in geography, culture, history and contemporary life in Moscow?) ✪

Geografi, aadaa, seenaa fi jireenya ammayyaa Moscow irratti xiqqoo barbaaddaa? (Are you interested in geography, culture, history and contemporary life in Moscow?)

Suuraan kun yaada keessan (guyyaa yaadannoo) kaabaa Moskaatti wal simataa? ✪

Suuraan kun yaada keessan (guyyaa yaadannoo) kaabaa Moskaatti wal simataa?

Suuraan kun yaada keessan (guyyaa yaadannoo) kaabaa Moskootti wal simataa? ✪

Suuraan kun yaada keessan (guyyaa yaadannoo) kaabaa Moskootti wal simataa?

Suuraan kun yaada keessan (guyyaa yaadannoo) kaabaa Moskaatti wal simataa? ✪

Suuraan kun yaada keessan (guyyaa yaadannoo) kaabaa Moskaatti wal simataa?

Geografi, aadaa, seenaa fi jireenya ammayyaa Mooskootti ni hawwita? ✪

Geografi, aadaa, seenaa fi jireenya ammayyaa Mooskootti ni hawwita?

Maqaa fi yaada keessan gara bahaa Maaskoo waliin walqabatee barreessaa

Maqaa fi yaada keessan gara bahaa Maaskoo waliin walqabatee barreessaa