Maalummaa dhaggeeffachuu muuziqaa barattoota gidduutti barachaa jiran
(English below)
An Gabrielė, barataa waggaa lammaffaa Yuunivarsiitii Teknoolojii Kaunas. Muuziqaa dhaggeeffachuu barattoota gidduutti barachaa jiran irratti qorannoo gaggeessaa jira. Maalummaa dhaggeeffachuu muuziqaa barachaa jirtu irratti filannoo keessan beekuuf barbaada: muuziqaa dhaggeeffattu moo akkamitti si gargaara ykn si dadhabsiisa? Maaloo, qorannoo daqiiqaa 2 kana guutuu. Deebiin keessan maqaa dhoksaa fi qorannoo kanaaf qofa ni fayyada. Hirmaannaan fedhii irratti hundaa'a; kanaaf, gaaffii kana yeroo kamiyyuu xumuruuf mirga qabdu.
Gaaffii yoo qabaattan: [email protected]
Hirmaannaa keessaniif galatoomaa!
I am Gabrielė, a second-year student at the Kaunas University of Technology. I am conducting a study about the impact of listening to music while studying among the students. I would like to know what are you preferences regarding this matter: whether you listen to music while studying and whether it helps you or distracts you. Please complete this 2-minute survey. Your responses are anonymous and will be used for this research only. The participation is voluntary; therefore, you have the right to end the questionnaire at any point.
Should you have any questions: [email protected]
Thank you for your participation!