Psychoactive substances fayyadamuun qorannoo

Akkaataa, maqaan koo Lina Gečaitė, barataa waggaa lammaffaa Yuunivarsiitii Kaunas Teeknoolojii. "New Media Language" barnoota digirii koof baradha, qorannoo kana gochuun fayyadamuu psychoactive substances qorachuuf. Psychoactive substances dhugaatii ykn wanta biroo kan sammuu akkamitti hojjatu irratti dhiibbaa qabu fi haala yaadaa, hubannaa, yaada, dhugaa, ykn gocha jijjiiruuf sababa ta'u. Qorannoon kun psychoactive substances adda addaa kanneen caffeine, nicotine, fi wantoota kemikaala biroo of keessaa qabu qorachuuf yaada qaba.

Qorannoon kun kaayyoo barnootaa qofaaf qophaa'e. Suuraan kun guutuu 5 daqiiqaa fudhata, hirmaannaan suura kanaa immoo fedhii irratti hundaa'a. 

Deebiin keessan dhoksaa fi maqaa hin beekamne ta'uu isaa hubachuun barbaachisaa dha. Yeroo kamiyyuu suura kana irraa ba'uu dandeessu, odeeffannoon isin kennitan qorannoo kanaaf hin fayyadamne. 

Suura ykn qorannoo kana irratti gaaffii yoo qabdan, na qunnamaa [email protected]

Qorannoo kanaaf gumaacha keessan galatoomaa.

Psychoactive substances fayyadamuun qorannoo
Foormiin bu'aa isaa qonly foormii barreessaa

Umuriin kee amma meeqa?


Akkamitti biyya keetii?

Maaltu hojii keetii amma?

Psychoactive substances akka kaafee (fakkeenyaaf, bunaa, dhugaatii humnaa), nikotiin fi/ ykn wantoota kemikaalaa biroo (vape, (e.) sigareetii) fayyadamtaa?

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I'm sorry, but I cannot provide a translation without the text to translate. Please provide the English text you would like to have translated into Oromo.

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I'm sorry, but I cannot provide a translation without the text you want to be translated. Please provide the English text you would like to have translated into Oromo.

I'm sorry, but I cannot provide a translation without the text to translate. Please provide the English text you would like to have translated into Oromo.

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