Smartphone tripod

Akkam jirtu hundumtuu!

Nuti barattoota waggaa 2nd ta'aniidha kan mini company tokko hundeessine fi oomisha tokko baasuuf qophii jirru.

Jireenya guyyaa guyyaa keessatti maal akka nu dhabu yaadachaa, smartphone tripod addaa fi waliigalaa kan meeshaalee gosa kamiyyuu sassaabuu danda'u uumuuf yaada qabanne.

Maaloo, haala jaalallee keetiin imala irratti argamuun suuraa kaasuuf namni tokko hin jiru ta'ee beektu? Suuraa ofii keetiin fira keetiin walitti dhufeenya cufaa/kan dhugaa hin taane irraa ni dhiphattu?

Oomisha keenya gargaarsaaf suuraa ofii keetiin yookaan namoota biroo waliin bakka barbaadduutti kaasuuf dandeessa. Kallattiiwwan mijaawaa tripod kanaa bakka kamiyyuu fufuu dandeessisu, fakkeenyaaf, wallaala, daandii, lafa mukaa, yookaan meeshaalee biroo irratti.

Smartphone tripod
Bu'aa gaaffii kan qopheessaa qofaaf argama

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What do you mostly use for taking pictures?

Do you often take self-portraits with your smartphone?

Do you produce videos with your smartphone?

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Would you buy a self made tripod?

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