The effect of emotional intelligence of Danske Bank A/S Danske Invest department employees work results.

Jaalatamoo Deebisaa,

An barataa waggaa 3ffaa ta'ee, barnoota Invastimantii fi Inshuraansii, Fakulteetii Qabeenya Dinagdee Yunivarsiitii Vilnius Of Applied Sciences keessatti baradhaa. Amma, mata-duree "The effect of emotional intelligence of Danske Bank A/S Danske Invest department employees work results" jedhu irratti thesis baachilaraa barreessaa jira. Deebiin keessan hundi baay'ee barbaachisaa dha. Gaaffiin kun maqaa hin qabne, kanaaf deebiin keessan walitti qabamuun, sirnaawaa fi qindaa'aa ta'een fayyadamaa kan ta'uuf qofa.

Yeroo keessan dursee galatoomaa.

Your gender:

Your age:

Your work experience in the company:

Do you like your job position?

How do you value and perceive your emotions in the work environment?

Do you know your strengths and weaknesses and try to strengthen them?

How do you deal with negative emotions?

Filannoo biroo

    In a difficult situation you:

    How often do you feel stressful in work environment?

    How do you deal with stress at work (write your answer)?


      How do you feel at work?

      While experiencing failure at work you:

      Filannoo biroo

        How do you respond to criticism?

        How do you understand other people's emotions in work environment?

        Evaluate your social skills (1 - very bad, 5 - very good):

        Gaaffii keeti uumiAnketaa kanaaf deebii kenni