Kërkimi i klientëve të hoteleve

Emri im është Aiste. Tani po shkruaj tezën time të bachelor-it, tema është: „Analiza e klientëve të hoteleve“. Në lidhje me tezën time të bachelor-it po bëj KËRKIMIN E klientëve të hoteleve. Faleminderit shumë për ndihmën tuaj!!!! Nëse mundeni, ju lutem dërgoni këtë lidhje tek miqtë tuaj, do të më ndihmonte shumë!! ...........SHENIME- ------ -JU LUTEM kur të përfundoni plotësimin e pyetësorit- shtypni në fund GERAI (në letoneze do të thotë MIRË).... kështu, pyetësori juaj do të dorëzohet!

1. Nga cili vend vini?

  1. india
  2. maharashtra
  3. maharashtra
  4. india
  5. asia
  6. fmagfxsxlauwxomlnwr
  7. frlhsfxqronpmu
  8. germany
  9. alexis
  10. poland
…Më shumë…

2. Në cilin vend keni qëndruar në hotel?

3. A mund të thoni se në cilin qytet keni qëndruar?

  1. no
  2. a
  3. A
  4. edinburgh
  5. india
  6. kfyunqxs
  7. lvimkhvaxcq
  8. vilnius
  9. johan
  10. inverness
…Më shumë…

4. Ishte kjo vizita juaj e parë në këtë vend?

5. Cila ishte/arë arsyet tuaja për të qëndruar në këtë hotel?


  1. A
  2. wlzdzxxatjfj
  3. pzfolfhcxx
  4. kevin
  5. holidays
  6. work
  7. visit relatives

6. Cilat ishin arsyet tuaja për të vizituar këtë vend?


  1. A
  2. hanoi sounds exciting and intimidating at the same time. 6 million people on 3 million bikes! wow! i can't believe how dangerous the traffic is, but it sounds like you found a system that worked for you. i didn't realize that ho chi minh didn't live in the palace. how cool that it is now a temple devoted to confucian worship; that would have captured my interest. i loved your trip to hung gai and visit to halong bay; it sounds absolutely beautiful with its 3000 islands. i hope you are taking it all in and find the trip relaxing before your next big adventure four days from now. and, i hope you've had fun shopping in all the markets. did you take along a separate bag for all that you bought??? see you soon. pat
  3. i'm not quite sure how to say this; you made it extremely easy for me!
  4. interested in the history of the baltic states
  5. lithuanian history, culture, and architecture are quite interesting, plus it has daily flights to the uk.
  6. i like to visit the capital city occasionally.

7. Nga ku keni marrë informacion për vendin para se të vini këtu?


  1. A
  2. hanoi sounds exciting and intimidating at the same time. 6 million people on 3 million bikes! wow! i can't believe how dangerous the traffic is, but it sounds like you found a system that worked for you. i didn't realize that ho chi minh didn't live in the palace. how cool that it is now a temple devoted to confucian worship; that would have captured my interest. i loved your trip to hung gai and visit to halong bay; it sounds absolutely beautiful with its 3000 islands. i hope you are taking it all in and find the trip relaxing before your next big adventure four days from now. and, i hope you've had fun shopping in all the markets. did you take along a separate bag for all that you bought??? see you soon. pat
  3. i'm not quite sure how to say this; you made it extremely easy for me!

8. Ishte kjo qëndrimi juaj i parë në këtë hotel?

9. A mund të përshkruani pse e zgjodhët këtë hotel?


  1. A
  2. hanoi sounds exciting and intimidating at the same time. 6 million people on 3 million bikes! wow! i can't believe how dangerous the traffic is, but it sounds like you found a system that worked for you. i didn't realize that ho chi minh didn't live in the palace. how cool that it is now a temple devoted to confucian worship; that would have captured my interest. i loved your trip to hung gai and visit to halong bay; it sounds absolutely beautiful with its 3000 islands. i hope you are taking it all in and find the trip relaxing before your next big adventure four days from now. and, i hope you've had fun shopping in all the markets. did you take along a separate bag for all that you bought??? see you soon. pat
  3. i'm not quite sure how to say this; you made it extremely easy for me!
  4. 1. está en el casco antiguo. 2. solía ser un convento. así que esperaba paz y tranquilidad, y la obtuve.
  5. the location was good and the price was reasonable.
  6. the glasshouse hotel is very unusual. reception is in an old converted church. the rooms are all on the penthouse level on the top of an adjoining building. all rooms have doors out onto a roof terrace with terrific views of the city.

10. A mund të renditni rëndësinë e këtyre faktorëve në zgjedhjen e hotelit?

  1. yes
  2. A
  3. the quality maintenance of the hotel made them choose this one.
  4. hanoi sounds exciting and intimidating at the same time. 6 million people on 3 million bikes! wow! i can't believe how dangerous the traffic is, but it sounds like you found a system that worked for you. i didn't realize that ho chi minh didn't live in the palace. how cool that it is now a temple devoted to confucian worship; that would have captured my interest. i loved your trip to hung gai and visit to halong bay; it sounds absolutely beautiful with its 3000 islands. i hope you are taking it all in and find the trip relaxing before your next big adventure four days from now. and, i hope you've had fun shopping in all the markets. did you take along a separate bag for all that you bought??? see you soon. pat
  5. i'm not quite sure how to say this; you made it extremely easy for me!
  6. 5 is the highest point, 1 is the lowest point.
  7. 5 is the highest point, 1 is the lowest point.
  8. 5 is the highest point, 1 is the lowest point.
  9. 5 is the highest point, 1 is the lowest point.
  10. 5 is the highest point, 1 is the lowest point.
…Më shumë…

Larmia e mundësive


Lokacioni i hotelit

Niveli i shërbimit



Imazhi dhe besueshmëria e hotelit

Ngjarjet speciale që mbahen në hotel

Të rekomanduar nga një mik/ të afërm

11. A mund të renditni nivelin tuaj të kënaqësisë me shërbimet e mëposhtme të hotelit?




Parkimi i makinave

Shërbimet e sigurta

Marrja me qira e makinave

Pagesa me kartë krediti

Shërbimet e internetit

Shërbimet e relaksimit

Shërbimet e argëtimit

Organizimi i konferencave dhe seminareve

Organizimi i performancave kulturore

Shërbimi i telefonit, fotokopjimi, faks

Shërbimi i postës

Shërbimi i përkthyesit ose interpretuesit

Zyra e këmbimit të monedhave

Shërbimet e hekurosjes, larjes, pastrimit

Frizeri për burra dhe gra

Shërbimi në dhomë

12. Çfarë lloj shërbimesh mund të tërheqin më shumë klientë të hoteleve?


  1. hanoi sounds exciting and intimidating at the same time. 6 million people on 3 million bikes! wow! i can't believe how dangerous the traffic is, but it sounds like you found a system that worked for you. i didn't realize that ho chi minh didn't live in the palace. how cool that it is now a temple devoted to confucian worship; that would have captured my interest. i loved your trip to hung gai and visit to halong bay; it sounds absolutely beautiful with its 3000 islands. i hope you are taking it all in and find the trip relaxing before your next big adventure four days from now. and, i hope you've had fun shopping in all the markets. did you take along a separate bag for all that you bought??? see you soon. pat
  2. i'm not quite sure how to say this; you made it extremely easy for me!
  3. a comment to question 11: i cannot rank services that i did not use or that were not on offer, but you don't give that option. so i gave 1 point to services i didn't use.
  4. nightclub
  5. the above choices are not likely to influence my choice of hotel. most important is pleasant staff and clean rooms.

13. A mund të identifikoni cilat nevoja të paplotësuara keni përjetuar gjatë qëndrimit në hotel?

  1. nothing noted.
  2. hanoi sounds exciting and intimidating at the same time. 6 million people on 3 million bikes! wow! i can't believe how dangerous the traffic is, but it sounds like you found a system that worked for you. i didn't realize that ho chi minh didn't live in the palace. how cool that it is now a temple devoted to confucian worship; that would have captured my interest. i loved your trip to hung gai and visit to halong bay; it sounds absolutely beautiful with its 3000 islands. i hope you are taking it all in and find the trip relaxing before your next big adventure four days from now. and, i hope you've had fun shopping in all the markets. did you take along a separate bag for all that you bought??? see you soon. pat
  3. i'm not quite sure how to say this; you made it extremely easy for me!
  4. i would have liked a bigger sheet on my bed. for a kingsize bed, they should use a kingsize sheet!
  5. none
  6. no
  7. none
  8. none
  9. i didn't have such experience.
  10. cocktail bar in the room
…Më shumë…

14. A do të dëshironit të qëndronit përsëri?

Nëse përgjigjja juaj ishte jo, a mund të jepni një arsye pse?

  1. hanoi sounds exciting and intimidating at the same time. 6 million people on 3 million bikes! wow! i can't believe how dangerous the traffic is, but it sounds like you found a system that worked for you. i didn't realize that ho chi minh didn't live in the palace. how cool that it is now a temple devoted to confucian worship; that would have captured my interest. i loved your trip to hung gai and visit to halong bay; it sounds absolutely beautiful with its 3000 islands. i hope you are taking it all in and find the trip relaxing before your next big adventure four days from now. and, i hope you've had fun shopping in all the markets. did you take along a separate bag for all that you bought??? see you soon. pat
  2. i'm not quite sure how to say this; you made it extremely easy for me!

15. Kush e bëri rezervimin?

16. Kryesisht udhëtoni me:

17. Sa shpesh qëndroni në hotele?

18. Sa ditë zakonisht kaloni në një hotel?

19. Çfarë lloji hoteli përshkruan më së miri vendin ku zakonisht qëndroni gjatë udhëtimit?

20. Cilin lokacion hoteli preferoni?

21. Cili lloj udhëtari është më i ngjashëm me ju?

22. Si do ta përshkruanit qëndrimin tuaj ndaj çmimeve?


  1. hanoi sounds exciting and intimidating at the same time. 6 million people on 3 million bikes! wow! i can't believe how dangerous the traffic is, but it sounds like you found a system that worked for you. i didn't realize that ho chi minh didn't live in the palace. how cool that it is now a temple devoted to confucian worship; that would have captured my interest. i loved your trip to hung gai and visit to halong bay; it sounds absolutely beautiful with its 3000 islands. i hope you are taking it all in and find the trip relaxing before your next big adventure four days from now. and, i hope you've had fun shopping in all the markets. did you take along a separate bag for all that you bought??? see you soon. pat
  2. i'm not quite sure how to say this; you made it extremely easy for me!

23. Në cilën grup njerëzish i përkisni?


  1. hanoi sounds exciting and intimidating at the same time. 6 million people on 3 million bikes! wow! i can't believe how dangerous the traffic is, but it sounds like you found a system that worked for you. i didn't realize that ho chi minh didn't live in the palace. how cool that it is now a temple devoted to confucian worship; that would have captured my interest. i loved your trip to hung gai and visit to halong bay; it sounds absolutely beautiful with its 3000 islands. i hope you are taking it all in and find the trip relaxing before your next big adventure four days from now. and, i hope you've had fun shopping in all the markets. did you take along a separate bag for all that you bought??? see you soon. pat
  2. i'm not quite sure how to say this; you made it extremely easy for me!
  3. brave, but planning in advance to question 24: i am careful and planning, but still confident, knowledgeable, and kindly communicating. you give strange choices here.
  4. somewhere between the 2 choices!
  5. like-minded people who enjoy relaxing on holiday and perhaps doing some hill walking and sightseeing.
  6. maybe somewhere in between!

24. Cili lloj udhëtari është më i përshtatshëm për ju?

25. Cila është gjinia juaj?

26. Në cilën kategori moshe jeni?

27. Ju lutem, zgjidhni gradën tuaj akademike.

28. Cila është pozita juaj profesionale?

29. Cila industri përshkruan më së miri kompaninë për të cilën punoni?


  1. syizxuhk
  2. yirkolgm
  3. teacher
  4. trey
  5. education
  6. educator
  7. property
  8. farmer

30. Statusi juaj martesor:

31. Familja juaj përbëhet nga:

32. A keni ndonjë fëmijë?

Nëse po, a mund të thoni sa

  1. 2
  2. 2
  3. rcjxahtst
  4. ataldhukfjdjsrl
  5. haden
  6. 2
  7. 2 adult children
  8. 3
  9. 1
  10. 5
…Më shumë…

33. Cila është mosha e fëmijës tuaj më të vogël?

34. Në cilin grup statusi dhe të ardhurash do ta klasifikonit familjen tuaj?

Krijo anketën tëndePëgjigjuni në këtë anketë