Women beauty in China

23. In your opinion, what it is beautiful women?

  1. big eyes,long eyelashes,small mouth,long and straight legs , slim figure
  2. soul
  3. Confident, cute, kind and smiling women
  4. sunshine character
  5. a graceful and humane women
  6. who is fit , healthy ,and live a self-discipline life ,have at least one interest like reading
  7. positive, energetic and with healthy shape
  8. Big eyes Being mild and positive
  9. Look fresh and energetic
  10. elegant woman
  11. Beautiful women have beautiful minds . Kind , unpretentious , and nice to people .
  12. Sexy
  13. looks beautiful , if with a good heart, that is would be perfect.
  14. 长相舒适,干净,清爽,有修养
  15. idk
  16. I think white people are more beautiful than yellow people, and yellow people are more beautiful than black people, in average.
  17. figure long and slim ,beautiful face ( nice skin, big eyes...), elegant,good temperament,clever
  18. Independent, thoughtful, polite, she could be cool or lovely, and the same time maintain a sense of elegance.
  19. nature is beautiful
  20. Confident, elegant, nice looking,educated
  21. From inside to outside.
  22. Elegant, tidy, clean
  23. I believe this question meant to ask what makes a woman beautiful. For me there're three factors to be considered: physical appearance, intellectual life and temperament.
  24. I don't understand this question.
  25. I think beautiful isn't everything 😊as long as she has a beauty heart ❤️
  26. Makes me feel natural and has a white skin
  27. A good looking womon with suitable clothes and a quality fits eyes also has a broaded mind who is quiet and really like reading.
  28. Medium height Oval face Big eyes Thin
  29. Everytime your talk or stay with her, it relaxes yourself and enjoy her beauty totally.
  30. It doesn't really depend on the look. If a woman's look is okay, and she is a nice human being, I'd say she is a beautiful woman. Beauty does not only come from the outside, it also comes from the within.
  31. both beautiful outside and inside.the way she walks, talks is also important.
  32. Look cute meanwhile sexy, love laugh, have the intelligent mind and high sense of humor.
  33. A woman with confidence is beautiful.
  34. kindhearted
  35. psychologically and physically healthy . self-respect
  36. A woman who is warm-hearted,confident,easy going,grateful and with a charming smile
  37. kind hearted
  38. looks like Miranda Kerr
  39. Clean teeth with Smile, either sexy curvy body or jeans cute girl who has white skin, big eyes. Not fat
  40. good sense,good shape,good inner
  41. Women who have their own distinct temperaments.
  42. long hair and big eyes roman nose and a lean figure
  43. Kindly, true, strong, optimistic, smile,natural girl is the most beautiful.
  44. who has personal charisma,and a warm smile.optimistic and confident
  45. Elegant and knowledgeable.
  46. Elegant, have long hair, nice body and awesome fashion taste.
  47. white skin,tall and thin legs,big eyes
  48. Healthy and kind
  49. someone could make my heart speed faster
  50. it's more about the personality not just appearance
  51. they can make our lives beautiful and pleasing
  52. Independent, confident and has pride.
  53. elegant,smart,nice
  54. 1.Has beauty, intelligence, class and depth. 2.Don't depend on males.(independent). 3.Sweet smiling,god temper,has dreams,optimistic.
  55. There is not decisive factor, I think beautiful women should be graceful, good shape, outlook, and kind, always bring smile.
  56. Warm and cheerful,considerate of others.
  57. Good look,good figure,good personality.much confident.
  58. beautiful face with a kind heart.
  59. good personality, kind heart
  60. better go without make up, I think without make up is more beautiful and clean, long curl hair and deep set eyes, good life and social habits
  61. the women who are beautiful both from the outsides and the insides. Knowledgable + graceful.
  62. Look natural, heathy, with beautiful eyes and body
  63. the beautiful is from heart.
  64. Have a charming face.
  65. Nice look and a good heart.
  66. good shape, well-knowledge, pretty face such as big eyes, straight nose, small face
  67. natural women
  68. With a gentle spirit
  69. Depends. Different beautiful women have their beautiful parts.
  70. A woman who is warm-hearted, nice and kind. Inner beauty is far way more important than outside
  71. the eyes in high spirit have nice smile and elegant behavior.
  72. Who is confident.
  73. confident ,healthy,often smile,kind
  74. I think the personalities is more important than the appearance, so kind, friendly and honest women are beautiful.
  75. Tall blonde, athletic
  76. kind&smart&humorous
  77. confident
  78. confident and decent
  79. 了饿了
  80. Confident,They each have their own style,nice skin,bright eyes,heathy
  81. face,shape,skin
  82. great shape and nice taste in clothing
  83. the woman who is confident and like to smile a lot
  84. Beautiful appearance, kind-hearted.
  85. big eyes,nice face.perfect shape
  86. who has her own aesthetic standard. who is sparkle. who has her own temperament...
  87. Temperament,talent,pretty and good manner
  88. Very healthy, tidy and athletic, it doesn't need to put thick and too much make-up. Natural beauty from the best.
  89. healthy ,confident with independent characters
  90. Looks sweet while smiling
  91. wise and rational, inner beauty.
  92. delicate facial features, temperament of the sun, straight nose, easy to get along with ,warm smile,big eyes
  93. confident, knows what her style is. my strandards of good appearence: slight muscles, have little bit of booty, better to have some breast too
  94. confidence
  95. big eyes,tall,thin
  96. natural beauty is the best beauty.
  97. Natural beauty
  98. 长的好看的,性格好的,善良的
  99. Balance of facial features, clean skin, healthy hair
  100. Confident , know that they really want and need