The culture creativity impact on employees productivity

Натиҷаҳои анкета ба таври умумӣ дастрасанд


Are you satisfied with your current organization culture or environment?

Do you feel appreciated at your company?

Do you think the culture of your company affects your performance?

Which of the following components does your company offer? More than 1 answer is possible

What are the most important things to you if you were searching for a new or different job? More than 1 answer is possible

In your opinion, what do you think the organization can offer to encourage you to perform better?

Do you think a company without creativity in its culture can be successful?

In your opinion, creativity is

Who do you think is responsible for encouraging creativity in the group?

Creativity can easily be improved when working

Does individual personal opinion affect the group performance?

In your opinion, what can increase creativity in the workplace? More than 1 answer is possible

How can managers apply creativity in the corporation? More than 1 answer is possible

What are the benefits resulting from creativity?

Do employees value creativity in the workplace?

If you have other opinions regarding the subject please write them below