Women beauty in China

11.What type of eyebrows looks best?

  1. Medium
  2. between A and B
  3. 柳叶弯眉arched eyebrow
  4. arched
  5. Betwixt and between
  6. normal
  7. The eyebrows requests your shape of face. If you look round, thin eyebrows looks best.
  8. any type that fits
  9. This is complicated,it depends on the shape of her face and distance between the eyes and eyebrows,etc.
  10. nature midiocre bt thin and thick
  11. Normal
  12. depends
  13. normal
  14. Natural and in good shape.
  15. every type of eyebrows is ok
  16. It depends
  17. it depends on the face shape.
  18. A little thick at the beginning and thing in the end
  19. all ok,but like Thick more
  20. like the moon
  21. I think different eyebrows matchs different face shape
  22. the type which suits the appearance
  23. Natural eyebrows
  24. normal