Are people more likely to trust news from social media than from traditional news outlets?

Dear Participant,

We are a third year ‘New Media Language’ students at Kaunas University of Technology.

Today we want to invite you to take part in our research study exploring people's perceptions of news on social media and traditional news outlets.

Your participation is fully voluntary, and you may withdraw from the survey at any point. All responses will be confidential and anonymous.

Thank you for your time and contribution to our research. 

Are people more likely to trust news from social media than from traditional news outlets?
فارم کے نتائج صرف فارم کے مصنف کے لیے دستیاب ہیں

What is your age? ✪

What is your gender? ✪

What is your occupation? ✪

Choose the option that is most suitable for you. ✪

Several times a day
Once a day
Few times a week
How frequently do you use social media?
How often do you access news on social media platforms?
How often do you access news from traditional media sources (TV, newspapers, radio)?

Which social media platforms do you primarily use for news? ✪

How would you rate your trust in news from social media? (1 meaning "No trust at all" and 5 "Complete trust") ✪

How would you rate your trust in news from traditional media outlets? (1 meaning "No trust at all" and 5 "Complete trust") ✪

What factors influence your trust in a news source? ✪

Are you familiar with disinformation or misinformation in the media?  ✪

Have you ever encountered disinformation or misinformation, and if so, in which media? ✪

Do you fact-check news articles that you read on social media? ✪

Do you agree that social media influences public opinion more than traditional media? ✪

Which source of news do you consider more reliable overall? ✪