



如有任何问题:[email protected]





I am Gabrielė, a second-year student at the Kaunas University of Technology. I am conducting a study about the impact of listening to music while studying among the students. I would like to know what are you preferences regarding this matter: whether you listen to music while studying and whether it helps you or distracts you. Please complete this 2-minute survey. Your responses are anonymous and will be used for this research only. The participation is voluntary; therefore, you have the right to end the questionnaire at any point.

Should you have any questions: [email protected]

Thank you for your participation!


你学什么专业?/ What degree student are you? ✪

你的国籍是什么?/ Your nationality? ✪

你多久听一次音乐?/ How often do you listen to music? ✪

你在学习时听音乐吗?/ Do you listen to music while studying? ✪

你为什么在学习时听/不听音乐?/ Why do you listen/not listen to music while studying? ✪

你使用哪些应用程序来听音乐?/ What applications do you use to listen to music? ✪

你在音乐应用中付费成为会员吗?/ Do you pay for a membership on the music application? ✪

你同意以下观点吗:/ Would you agree that: ✪

同意/ Agree
部分同意/ Partially agree
中立/ Neutral
部分不同意/ Partially disagree
不同意/ Disagree
无意见/ No opinion
在学习时听音乐帮助我集中注意力/ Listening to music while studying helps me concentrate
在学习时听音乐分散我的注意力/ Listening to music while studying distracts me
在阅读时听音乐帮助我集中注意力/ Listening to music while reading helps me concentrate
在阅读时听音乐分散我的注意力/ Listening to music while reading distracts me
在写作时听音乐帮助我集中注意力/ Listening to music while writing helps me concentrate
在写作时听音乐分散我的注意力/ Listening to music while writing distracts me

你会说什么类型的音乐是你最喜欢的?/ What type of music genre you would say is your favorite? ✪

你在学习时听轻音乐吗?/ Do you listen to calm music while studying? ✪

附加评论/ Additional comments