调查企业形象对香港保险业的影响力 (以香港保险公司为例) Research on the influence of corporate image in Hong Kong insurance industry (The Case of Hong Kong insurance companies)


I am a student from BA (Hons) Business Administration and Management degree program of scope, City University of Hong Kong. I would like to invite you to participate in a research study which aims at collecting data for as part of the dissertation about influence of corporate image in Hong Kong insurance industry. This surveyis in multiple choices format and takes approximate 5-10 minutes to complete. Your individual privacy and confidential of the information you provide will be maintained in all published and written data analysis result in the study. The study is strictly anonymous.Please kindly complete this survey based on your own experience and opinion. Thank you.

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教育水平 Education Level

个人每月收入 Monthly Personal Income

保险公司提供足够的保险种类 Insurance companies offered enough variety of insurance.

保险公司提供足够的投资工具种类 Insurance company offered enough variety of investment tools.

客户可从保险公司获得满意的投资盈利 Clients receive satisfied investment profit form insurance company.

客户可从保险公司获得满意的储蓄利率 Clients receive satisfied saving interest form insurance company.

保险公司提供吸引的产品及服务 The products and services that insurance company offered are attractive.

保险公司提供有质量的产品及服务 Insurance company offered quality products and services.

保险顾问了解客户的具体需求 Insurance agents understand clients’ specific needs.

保险顾问迁就客户方便的约会时间和地点 Insurance agents have meeting time and location convenient to clients.

保险顾问有充足的专业知识去回答客户问题 Insurance agents have knowledge to answer clients’ questions.

保险顾问对客户灌输信心 Insurance agents instill confidence in clients.

保险顾问对客户彬彬有礼 Insurance agents consistently courteous with clients.

保险顾问的打扮是整齐美观 Insurance agents are well dressed and neat in appearance.

保险公司有良好的口碑 Insurance companies have good reputation.

保险公司备受外界尊敬 Insurance companies are well respected.

保险公司会为客户精心打算 Insurance companies are well thought of.

保险公司是有信誉的 Insurance companies are reputable.

保险公司有社会地位 Insurance companies have status.

媒体关于保险公司的报道整体上是正面的 Information on media about insurance companies is generally good.

媒体对保险公司有高度评价 Media speak highly for insurance companies.

媒体对保险公司的产品 (如: 保险,投资工具和储蓄工具) 的评价高于其他金融机构 (如: 银行) Media speak higher for insurance companies’ products (e.g.: insurance, investment tools and saving tools) than other financial groups (e.g.: bank).

家人及熟悉的人对保险公司有高度评价 Family/acquaintances think highly of insurance companies.

家人及熟悉的人对保险公司的产品 (如: 保险,投资工具和储蓄工具) 的评价高于其他金融机构 (如: 银行) Family/acquaintances speak higher for insurance companies’ products (e.g.: insurance, investment tools and saving tools) than for other financial groups (e.g.: bank).

家人及熟悉的人对保险公司的意见大致是正面的 Family/acquaintance’s opinions of insurance companies are generally positive.

你记得大部分保险公司的象征或标志 You can recall the symbol or logo of most of the insurance companies.

你可以在众多的金融机构中能识别出保险公司 You can recognize insurance companies among other financial groups.

你知道有那些保险公司 You aware of the insurance companies.

你能说出保险公司的一些特性 Some characteristics of insurance companies come to your mind quickly.

你选择保险公司作为购买保险的首选 You consider insurance companies as your first choice for purchasing insurance.

你想与保险公司保持密切的关系 You want to keep close relationship with the insurance companies.

你会在未来再次光顾保险公司 You will attend insurance companies again in the future.

如果你与保险公司发生问题,你会向其竞争对手如银行的职员投诉 You complain to the competitors staffs (e.g.: bank) if you experience a problem with insurance companies.

如果你与保险公司发生问题,你会向其他机构如金管局投诉 You complain to other organizations (e.g.: Hong Kong Monetary Authority) if you experience a problem with insurance companies.

如果你与保险公司发生问题,你会向保险顾问投诉 You complain to an insurance companies’ agent if you experience a problem with insurance companies.

如果你与保险公司发生问题,你会告诉保险公司的其他客户 You report to other consumers if you experience a problem with insurance companies.

你向他人讲述保险公司正面的资讯 You say positive things about the insurance companies to other people.

你会推荐保险公司给寻求专业意见的人 You recommend the insurance companies to someone who seeks advice.

你会鼓励朋友去购买保险产品 You encourage friends to go to buy the insurance products.

你会鼓励你的亲戚,朋友和同事光顾保险公司 You encourage your relatives, friends and colleagues to patronize in the insurance companies.

你愿意在保险公司付出比其他金融集团更高的价格 获取从保险公司得到的好处 You are willing to pay a higher price than other financial groups charge, for the benefits you receive from insurance companies.

你不会转投其他提供更吸引价格的金融机构 You will not go to other financial groups that offer more attractive prices.

即使价格上升, 你仍然会使用保险公司的服务 You would continue to use the service of insurance companies if its price increases.

整体来说你满意保险公司的各方面 You feel overall satisfied with insurance companies.

保险公司总能满足你的期望 Insurance companies never fail to fulfill your expectations.

你觉得自己在保险公司购买服务是做了正确的事情 You did the right thing when you purchased the service offered by insurance companies.


保险公司提供的服务让你感觉良好 The service offered by insurance companies makes you feel good.
