Diversity and equity within the school

32. What practices are in place to ensure the promotion of fairness between and among school administration, staff, students, and parents?

  1. no
  2. Regular co ordination meetings of Parents Teachers and Management .
  3. Equality
  4. that school principal ll decide this can be develop by mutual undersatanding.
  5. Meetings that include school administration, other staff, student, and parents to discuss event(s) where the thought of unfairness is discuss and how to handle it better or promote fairness.
  6. I haven't witnessed any specific practices in place to promote fairness however I have spoken to the Administrators and they seem to keep an open mind in all situations.
  7. I think our school does a good job of making equitable decisions when students, staff, and parents are involved. While decisions might not technically be "fair" or "equal", I believe that we try to take many aspects of a situation into account and strive to meet an individual's specific needs so that they are given an equal opportunity for success.
  8. The BLT process also is helpful in the area of fairness in the school community in regards to the individual and/or populations. Concerns may also need to be dealt with in a case by case manner. Our school runs somewhat on a system of checks and balances. There are always numerous individuals or groups to support the others in ensuring all are treated fairly.
  9. N/A
  10. not sure