Diversity and equity within the school

33. What practices are in place to ensure that the school principal ensures the promotion of respect between and among staff, students, and parents?

  1. no
  3. Discipline
  4. talk to each and everyone in an assembly.
  5. First of all the principal speaks every morning to all staff, basically calling the staff by name. The principal when in the building can be counted on to be seen in the hallway. She also talks to students. Now it would be nice if assisted principals could do the same things.
  6. The Administrator has not done any thing specifically to encourage faculty to be respectful to others. I just think that there is an unspoken expectation that everyone will remain respectful and professional.
  7. I believe that because our principal is present in team building, professional development, as well as in hallways and classrooms, she is ensuring the promotion of respect. She welcomes any and all ideas when it comes to decision making that affects both students and teachers.
  8. On the whole a climate of respect prevails among these named populations. Many of the staff members remain from a time when this was not the case. Therefore, many staff members "have each others' back" and know that respect is crucial to the day to day "survival" in a school setting. Our principal fosters an open door policy and encourages feedback on improvement and welcomes praise when deserved. She would willingly act on suggestions and insist that an atmosphere of respect among all prevail.
  9. N/A
  10. not sure