Diversity and equity within the school

Comments or Concerns

  1. no
  3. None
  4. You see why I did not want to do this survey. Too verbal.
  5. Individual technology has been detrimental to the learning environment of middle school. It is too much of a distraction for many of our students who already struggle with issues of staying on task. You Tube, games, Facebook, and listening to music is far more interesting and pleasurably time consuming than teacher led instruction or collaborative learning.
  6. Took this questionnaire as a Functional SPED teacher in a self-contained setting. I do not know much about general education classrooms and how other SPED teachers work with students within those classrooms.
  7. I would have my student attend here if given the chance.
  8. Marked Do not know for #15 simply because I have not had a PD that we examined own cultural biases but if may have been offered.