調查香港公共醫院如何提升知名度有利於醫院發展? 以醫院為案例 Research on how does enhance corporate reputation to benefit public hospital? The Case of Hong Kong Public Hospital


問卷Dissertation Questionnaire






Je suis étudiant du programme de Gestion et Administration des affaires de SCOPE, Université de la ville de Hong Kong. Je suis actuellement en train de rédiger ma dissertation qui étudie comment améliorer la réputation d'entreprise pour bénéficier aux hôpitaux publics. Le questionnaire sera sous forme de choix multiples et ne vous prendra que quelques minutes. Toutes les informations collectées seront gardées confidentielles et utilisées uniquement à des fins académiques. Merci de votre coopération.



Étudiant du programme de Gestion et Administration des affaires


Les résultats du questionnaire sont publiquement accessibles

1. 年齡 Age

2. 性別 Gender

3. 教育水平 Education Level

4. 個人每月收入 Monthly Personal Income

5.這醫院是有優良的管理。This hospital is well managed.

6. 我認為這醫院對將來有清晰的遠見。I recognize that this hospital has a clear vision for its future.

7. 我認為這醫院擁有良好的領導素質。I recognize that this hospital has excellent leadership.

8. 我認為這醫院的聲譽被高度評價。I believe that this hospitals’ reputation is highly regarded.

9. 我個人認為這醫院將會成為業內的領導。In my opinion, this hospital tends to be the leader.

10. 這醫院良好地應對病人的投訴。This hospital responds to patients’ complaints well.

11. 醫院不斷提高其服務質量。This hospital continually improves the quality of its service.

12. 這醫院的員工對醫療服務擁有專業知識。This hospital’s employees have professional knowledge on the healthcare services.

13. 這醫院預約程序讓病人感到方便。This hospital’s appointment procedures make patients feel convenient.

14. 這醫院員工關心病人的需求。This hospital employees care about needs of patients.

15. 這醫院對員工實施彈性的政策以達到工作與生活平衡。This hospital implements flexible policies to provide a good work and life balance for employees.

16. 這醫院的管理層關心員工的需求。The management of this hospital is primarily concerned with employees’ needs and wants.

17. 這醫院提供培訓及進升機會給員工。This hospital offers training and career opportunities to its employees.

18. 這醫院提供一個愜意的工作環境給員工 (如具彈性的工作時間及可商議的工作環境) 。This hospital offers a pleasant work environment to its employees (e.g. flexible working hours and conciliation).

19. 這醫院給予其員工公平的薪酬。This hospital pays fair salaries to its employees.

20. 這醫院之收費是大眾化。The price charged by this hospital is affordable by the general public.

21. 若這醫院開發新產品和服務時,它會考慮潛在的環境影響(例如評估能源使用回收或污染的產生)。This hospital considers potential environmental impacts when developing new products and services. (e.g. assessing energy usage recycling or pollution generation)

22. 這醫院是有環保意識的機構。This hospital is an environmentally-conscious institution.

23. 這醫院會接受降低利潤,確保環境清潔。This hospital would accept reduced profits to ensure a clean environment.

24. 這醫院通過活動捐贈各種慈善事業。This hospital donates to various charities through events.

25. 我會向其他人訴說這醫院正面的事情。I say positive things about this hospital to other people.

26. 我會和他人分享我在這醫院的經驗。I will share my experiences in this hospital with others.

27. 如果有人需要你的建議,你會向他/她推薦這醫院。I will recommend this hospital to someone who seeks my advice.

28. 我會鼓勵朋友和親戚去使用這醫院的服務。I encourage friends and relatives to use this hospital’s service.

29. 你會在未來再次使用這醫院的服務。You will use this hospital’s service again in the future.

30. 即使這醫院傳出負面新聞,我仍然會使用它的服務。Even if there is some bad news about this hospital, I will continue to use its service.

31. 我打算繼續使用這醫院的服務。I intend to continue to use this hospital’s service.

32. 我曾考慮切換到其他提供更好收費的醫院。I will switch to other hospitals that offer better prices.

33. 我曾考慮切換到其他提供更好服務的醫院。I will switch with other hospitals that provide better service.

34. 當我發現這醫院有問題時, 我會轉換到其他醫院。I will switch to other hospitals if I experience a problem with this hospital.

35. 在未來幾年內,我將會減少使用這醫院的服務。I will use less service from this hospital in the next few years.

36. 我將會使用這醫院的服務不論它的收費如何。I will use this hospital’s service regardless of its price.

37. 我願意付出更多價錢給予這醫院的服務。I am willing to pay more for this hospital’s service.

38. 我不會因為這醫院的服務收費較高而影響我對它的忠誠度。The higher price of this hospital’s service will not affect my loyalty to it.

39. 我不會理會花了多少費用在這醫院的服務。I will not care how much I spent on this hospitals’ service.

40. 我滿意這醫院的管理。I am satisfied with the management of this hospital.

41. 對比起價格,我滿意這醫院所提供的服務。I am satisfied with the value for price of this hospital’s services.

42. 我認為這醫院提供的服務達到了我的期望。I find that the services offered by this hospital can meet my expectations.

43. 我對這醫院持有正面的意見。I have a favorable opinion of this hospital.

44. Dans l'ensemble, je suis satisfait de la performance de cet hôpital.