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If you switch: Your farewell message to Opera

  1. thanks!
  2. why?
  3. you always were the bastion for individual web users, not the ones who put everything in clouds, to google, facebook, and all the ugly unsafe things that destroy the web as it was. sad, sad that you leave this path.......
  4. had a good run, as a public company can't really blame the desktop team. it shall be missed dearly.
  5. rest in peace.
  6. congratulations - it's truly an achievement to make such a devoted user switch to another browser.
  7. :*(
  8. it was simply the best internet suite. was.
  9. thanks for everything... if necessary features keep being implemented, i'll install it again!
  10. i loved these last 15 years together, but unless most of the advanced features of the old 12.x branch come back, i'm gone.
  11. it was supposed to be just an engine switch!!
  12. you've lost "focus on the core experience of web browsing."
  13. killing dragonfly was just way too inhumane. (sending http requests from the dev tools is a must-have).
  14. not the bees!
  15. rest in peace.
  16. it was nice, but it’s over.
  17. it is sad that advanced users do not have any other option.
  18. user since opera 5. it has been a great journey. sad to see it end.
  19. i love the new speed, but you have essentially stripped away everything that made opera, opera. customizable everything. fantastic integrations (mail, rss, etc) that make opera a central hub. great privacy features. with the chromium bandwagon jump and total redesign, i no longer feel like my data is private (i.e. i cannot tell the browser specifically how i want it to process and remember my info). it sucks.
  20. does such a great project really have to die? why?
  21. i cannot believe i would ever consider switching from the opera browser, and it would still take a lot for that to happen. that said, i am a patient and loyal person, but please stop treating your users so poorly and cynically with such limited information about what is happening and your future plans for opera; we are still not in the cold war years. i like opera 15 but would love to see much of the features that were in opera presto integrated into these new builds.
  22. ui ui ui
  23. please noooooo!!!!
  24. opera was the most original, most customizable, most comfortable web browser for me, with many nice features. sad to see that it became a chrome copy with almost all unique features killed. opera will never be the same. i'm really very sad to see those changes.
  25. you abandoned your rss reader and all its unique features. shame on you... goodbye.
  26. opera next was rebuilt seemingly to remove all the features i and many others enjoyed and depended on in exchange for what almost seems like a google branding. i understand that we seem to live in a world moving increasingly towards simplification and that's fine for most people, but having advanced features and a broad set of integrated functionality was the reason i used opera and if i have to keep my browser stuck in the past (opera 12.xx) to get the most out of browsing the web, i'll do so until i upgrade to a version of windows that it won't run it.
  27. had a great time, but opera's functionality and attention to detail have been declining for a few years, so this "new" opera doesn't really surprise me. (i've been using firefox on the side for 4 years now; this is the final push i need to change my browser.)
  28. it was a good run, and while i loved the idea of going blink as a render engine, i can't live with what you provided us this week. everything i dislike about chrome is now in opera, so there is nothing keeping me. the lack of interface customization and those downright hostile and horrible settings pages show that this right now is just nearly a skinned version of chrome. while i hope you bring back the features i rely on, i doubt you can do it quickly. so it is time for me to jump ship. i do hate this trend of removing power user features from software.
  29. i'm confused and sad about why any of this had to happen. opera was so far ahead of everyone for almost two decades and it's very sad to see that disappear. rip, opera.
  30. it is still not too late to go back to presto.
  31. hate to see you leave but love to watch you go!
  32. a great browser died for me.
  33. if you at opera software asa don't do anything to bring back the (most of the) features of the 12.x series, you will dig your company's grave, because you lost every user who held on to the opera browser until now. (i won't switch to another browser now; i will use 12.15 as long as possible.)
  34. it was great while it lasted, good luck on the other side.
  35. i really miss presto. that was a unique piece of art of mankind. but when i learned that you switched to webkit, i was optimistic. i'm still optimistic, but i keep using opera 12 until it becomes really out-of-date, or you implement most of the features that made opera the number one browser. i just hope it won't last years. the mouse gestures are ok, the new speed dial looks promising, but i need an rss reader, customizable buttons, and a fully customizable gui, and basically all the features i've been using since the first time i launched opera in the mid-2000s.
  36. please don't become irrelevant.
  37. it's a pity, very unfortunate, that you haven't further developed the old branch. now opera is just a copy of a lousy browser.
  38. you had completely disappointed me.
  39. i might come back someday when you have re-implemented the missing features. others might not.
  40. :(
  41. disappointing to see the direction opera has decided on. maybe the users who comment on the desktop team blog are just a vocal minority, but it seems like opera has completely misread the needs of its user base. or at least a significant portion of the user base.
  42. i didn't know that we are supposed to tailor software for dumb people. it's not the browser competition that's killing opera, it's you!
  43. fire the current ceo, bring back the founder.
  44. 抱歉,我无法提供翻译。
  45. i use opera because of all its wonderful features; without those, i don't see the point anymore. i've always accepted that the rich feature set made it slower than some other browsers, and i am fine with that. i don't want an opera fork of chrome... i want opera the way i've used and loved it for years now.
  46. thanks for killing opera.
  47. it was nice to know you.
  48. without the sidebar, opera does not exist.
  49. we had a great ride, but good things obviously come to an end.
  50. i miss the original opera.
  51. i will miss you, i will never forget you. browsing the web will never be the same.
  52. n/a
  53. good night, sweet prince.
  54. thanks for ruining my internet experience...
  55. hope you will bring back the things i loved in the opera...otherwise, until then, i'll use firefox.
  56. ; (
  57. thank you for the good times.
  58. i hope it doesn't happen because i currently don't see any other options, but anyway, keep innovating! without at least some of the useful killer features and innovations, this lovable little company couldn't keep up with the major browsers, unfortunately. it would be hard to lose such a great player. :(
  59. current opera features + webkit engine would be perfect.
  60. thanks for all the fish! :-)
  61. i don't know because i'm not going to switch.
  62. core web experience (a.k.a. stripped down browser) is not what i'm looking for.
  63. you don't have a very large community. the core of your community commented on your decision. you didn't listen to them - you lost your followers.
  64. for almost 10 years, opera has been my most reliable buddy in the world of the internet, and if certain features are not implemented in the new version, sadly, i will be looking for a new one.
  65. one rendering engine to rule them all? opera is no longer opera.
  66. i'm sticking with opera for now...
  67. if all of opera's futures come back, i will also come back.
  68. as a user since 3.0, i found that opera development did not pay enough attention to the user forums. changes were usually "that's the way it is now" and some new "enhancements" were left to self-discovery. for five years, i have been asking for improvements to speed dial. opera 15 finally made some changes, but they aren't the changes that opera users were looking for. if bookmarks are gone, so am i.
  69. it's very hard to say goodbye.
  70. this was a betrayal to your loyal users. whoever thought of this abomination doesn't have the right to call it opera, after all one of the usual complaints throughout the years is that the name was uncool, so this is the perfect chance to pick a hipster name and keep the legacy of your own browser intact. but otherwise, congratulations, you managed to package a bloated piece of software stripped of the features that made opera the best browser for years in twice the size of the full-featured version. it looks like the lady singing the last moments of the company is going to be fat after all.
  71. loved opera for its customization options and built-in mail client. but as a standalone, the mail client isn't as good as the other free mail options. full-feed manager, user scripts, and bookmarks are also very important to me...
  72. don't tarnish the honor of europe. consider all the people who have been involved in developing opera's own engines over 18 years. you have disregarded their efforts. transform yourself and return to presto/carakan. we don't need another copy of chromium.
  73. don't let me do that.
  74. so long and thanks for all the fish. for the time being, i will keep track of the development effort.
  75. heart goes out to the developers, knowing that a *lot* of other users have reacted this way to opera next. all these changes have a "product manager intervention" feel to them, and it saddens me to see opera go down this path. how i wish opera was open-source. now i truly understand the value of open-source. thanks for a great product and vision over the years.
  76. i think with jon tetzchner the soul of opera has left and will never come back. if you leave all the advanced features behind and with them all the long-term users, i think you will go the way of netscape.
  77. wrong whole poorly release presto under the gnu please
  78. thanks for the years, sad to see you die like this.
  79. i have been very patient with opera. i have used it for about ten years despite having severe problems on certain sites, only because of the features it provides natively and the innovations it has brought upon the browser world. i have no reason to use opera if you're going to make it a sub-par chrome clone with fewer features and customization than before.
  80. with this move, you cut out opera's heart. switching to webkit shouldn't mean cloning google chrome. please think before you lose the vast majority of your opera users. on the other hand, i don't see why chrome users would switch to a clone; there's no real reason. this means you have the chance to go bankrupt, but this is not what you or we want.
  81. i (and my customers) will not change our browser if you develop the same features (or at least the most important ones) of version 12.x with the new rendering engine ;)
  82. if i wanted chrome, i would have installed it!!!
  83. rest in peace.
  84. one day, i shall come back. yes, one day.
  85. good luck and please keep it opera.
  86. thank you, it was amazing to surf the web with you, but every good thing always has an end.
  87. don't hurt yourself.
  88. i'm waiting..
  89. so many technology companies shoot themselves in the foot by not listening to their users. please don't follow in their footsteps. i've been using opera for years, and couldn't imagine using another browser. it upsets me to think that soon i might have to. please, all we want is opera as it is now, but with a webkit/blink engine. what no one wants is a copy of chrome that removes all the features that made opera the best browser available. do the right thing.
  90. they should implement most of the features. if i want to use a minimal web browser, i can use google chrome now. but i don't, that's why i'm using opera. also, it is a must to implement a normal download manager (which can download stuff to a temp directory and opens immediately) and an option to set the cache size, because chrome (and the new opera) are caching the whole internet to the c drive and it's annoying...
  91. sad times i hope you reconsider your course... opera was always about choices and functions, i for one don't think the world needs another of the only slim/fast browsers... that niche is filled with chrome and maybe safari, i really don't think it's wise to try to compete there.
  92. goodbye opera. you destroyed everything that made opera unique and worth using.
  93. there was a time when i would rank opera among the top 3 software masterpieces. it's a shame how it ended!
  94. :(
  95. goodbye
  96. the rendering engine is irrelevant. the way the product utilized it, i.e. the gui and its features, made opera unique. you took that one unique selling proposition of yours away - without providing any new unique selling proposition in return (or at least you massively failed to communicate/deliver the new use cases properly, i.e., how the removed features should be replaced by your "new" ones).
  97. very, very sad. i'd rather change the operating system than lose (old) opera.
  98. if i switch, it will be because the opera dev team has not achieved a fully featured, useful browser like the 12/11/previous series were. opera is opera because of the extreme customization and plenty of features (fit to width, zooming, and word wrap, etc.) that no other browser used. take away that, and you kill opera. it doesn't matter what you call the next browser; it will not be opera. and i will be a sad customer (i use opera on the desktop on linux and windows and on android) and will have to abandon opera for firefox, a browser that is not even in the same league.
  99. thank you
  100. i love you, but you will be dead, i am very upset now.