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If you switch: Your farewell message to Opera

  1. why did you have to ruin a good thing?
  2. you had to make the chromium switch, i guess. you failed to create a new opera that captures the philosophy you advertised for the last 12 (for me) years.
  3. goodbye!
  4. if i wanted to use chrome, i would click on the icon named chrome and not opera.
  5. not going to switch!! geez, why do you assume i want to switch?! a bit biased, don't you think? are you always this angry? just be patient until the dust settles and we see what the actual result is of the change to webkit/blink...
  6. rip
  7. what i think is that no other browser on earth will be able to quite reach the level of awesomeness that once defined opera, and that is quite sad. opera could be so huge if resources allowed it. i still remember the days when we talked about how opera was outperforming chrome with its software-accelerated vega graphics engine on peacekeeper and how everything was going to be so cool with the advent of hwa, marking opera as the only browser where the whole gui was hardware accelerated, etc. you know, there was a lot of buzz, enthusiasm. but somewhere along the way opera took a wrong turn i guess. anyway, i am sincerely sorry for the way that things had to work out, for whatever reasons. wishing everyone the best. regards.
  8. opera=chrome? goodbye...
  9. bye bye my little red o
  10. the king is dead. long live the king!
  11. i hope you'll reconsider.
  12. opera's advantage was its customization capabilities and an all-in-one internet suite, with bittorrent, email, and rss reader... opera was great, and i thank the team for this. but the way it is changing pushes me to choose a more customizable web browser that would be more attentive to my privacy (i think).
  13. made in norway... ha ha...
  14. i hope i won't switch, since opera is just the best browser there is. but it would really really miss some current features if they were not added relatively soon. i will try to get by with opera 12 and 15 for a while and see how development goes.
  15. i always recommend opera to people because it's so user-friendly, feature-packed, and easy to customize. if it's going to become a chrome clone, then i'll use firefox and will most likely recommend firefox as well.
  16. i'm sad that the only true window to the world for me, which is opera, will become a crappy clone of chrome...
  17. fond farewell (ironic). it was nice (sad)
  18. it's been a good 12 years together. i will miss you, opera. :(
  19. awwww.. :(
  20. a mighty browser, built over many years, demolished in a few months...
  21. from now on, there is no browser i would recommend that can provide as complete an experience as opera once did.
  22. custom theme for chromium isn't opera.
  23. i loved you even with all your quirks and faults, and this is how you repay me?! *shakes fist*
  24. opera, i leave the internet with you.
  25. rest in peace.
  26. i'll try to wait with 12.x.
  27. thanks for the good work over all these years!
  28. i do not switch, you are doing a great job :d
  29. opera is the most feature-rich browser. i hope they will reintroduce these features in future updates.
  30. not switching yet.
  31. shame on you!!!
  32. good look.
  33. don't destroy good things!
  34. why?!
  35. opera was unique, now it's like everything else.
  36. i don’t care about the engine, as long as it works, but losing all the customization... really sad.
  37. ...por qué?
  38. opera, you were a great browser, the browser if i may. you had everything: browser, mail, notes, chat, and more. but now you are just another chrome clone; you are not opera.
  39. why?
  40. think about your work in the internet community.
  41. i'll miss you, opera :(
  42. opera 12.15 forever alive :)
  43. i don't want to switch; i still use the old version, i think, and i will wait for another browser like the old opera, because we are giving another new browser opportunities to take the market from opera users.
  44. there are already plenty of browsers that deliver "the core experience of web browsing"; the only reason to prefer opera was that it delivered more than that. if you cut out the extra features, all you're left with is a less-popular, less-supported browser that's no better than any other. what's the point of that?
  45. rest in peace.
  46. i won't switch because i think opera did the right thing. as a web designer experimenting a lot with css3 and html5 features, i am especially happy to see the performance increase. for example, things like text/box-shadows or alpha-transparent pngs could lead to heavy performance issues when combined with css animations and transitions - even on powerful systems. so i feel that this is an important step in the right direction. however, i really hate that so much of the current opera next version is a copy of the chrome browser. for instance, i can't stand the minimalistic preferences site that looks like it is just copied and pasted from chrome. it looks like it is built for people who don't have a clue about anything, and that developers have feared that consumers will be confused and start breaking stuff when too many options are presented. so many useful options are missing in the current opera next release, and they are very important to me. basically, what i want to say is that the only thing i truly want from chrome is the rendering engine - the way how websites are displayed (even though there was nothing wrong with presto, just too many lazy web developers ignored it because of the low market share). anything other than that - including the browser's very basic processing architecture - should be exactly the same as we know it from opera 12. i know that this is hardly possible, but i believe you guys will find the right compromise and that you will manage to reduce the chromification to the possible minimum. good luck!
  47. farewell!!!
  48. i always preferred opera to other browsers since opera's ui handled multiple tabs and cache better than other browsers. it is regrettable that you decided to throw away your major selling point.
  49. it was a good time. thanks so far. it will still be a good time until 12.15 becomes unusable. but then... i hope you'll do new stuff :)
  50. goodbye :(
  51. i cannot think of a single program i've held onto longer over the years than opera as my sole browser (even in the mobile space!), and i hope to god that this doesn't become what finally makes me give it up.
  52. i will keep opera 12.02 forever, even if the new opera becomes usable. i still have a usable copy of phoenix, the father of firebird and grandfather of firefox. but, of course, it will become increasingly harder to make it run, so i really hope that the new opera becomes a good browser again.
  53. f* y o
  54. make opera 12.15 open-source!
  55. "goodbye and thanks for all the fish!"
  56. if i wanted chrome... i would have downloaded chrome. why choose a chrome clone when i can get the real thing? opera, listen to your user base and go there... do not attempt to make the user base go where you seem to be heading. i have actually begun using another browser... and attempting to use it as a daily opera replacement since 12.15... opera 15 has just made this seem like a valuable exercise. opera 15 is terrible, unusable, and a poor chrome impostor.
  57. goodbye
  58. it's a damn pity. from a unique full-featured browser leader in one poorly considered move. lunascape indicates it is very possible to use webkit (a good idea by the way) and still retain the full feature set. you foolishly have taken this opportunity to not just change rendering engines but decimate the incredible feature set of a great browser. i really did not think you would be that stupid. developers please note: it is obvious your user base knows what features they want retained, not you. you just write the code. incidentally, i installed lunascape today and it looks good, not ideal but certainly significantly better than opera 15.
  59. goodbye to the only browser i truly loved.
  60. you were different.
  61. thanks, it's sad to see you go.
  62. people like opera for its features, not because it's chrome.
  63. in the future, release browsers more frequently and pay special attention to regressions. the last few years have been an endless downhill slide in quality, with some completely baffling bugs, like ignoring css files that do not have an extension. my prediction for the future of opera is: this rendering engine change will not help you. opera will not break 5% global market share in the next 5 years. finally: if opera is no different from other browsers, what reason is there for using opera?
  64. it was a good run. the web may never be the same. :(
  65. you went from standing out to becoming one of many. in 1 update. congrats.
  66. opera developers are stupid.
  67. put old features back. this is just an exercise in skinning chrome at the moment.
  68. pity.
  69. it's been a great time. thanks to all the developers who came up with and developed the most amazing features. thanks for keeping opera ahead of the competition all these years. thanks jon and geir. thanks to the amazingly knowledgeable community. thanks for opera 7.54u2 and its developers, the browser i used the most of any version. thanks for making me feel special by having a browser that could do things that others couldn't. thanks for saving me hundreds of hours due to increased productivity. thanks for the smoothest mouse gestures ever. i don't like you for ditching features, whoever made that decision (directly or indirectly as a result of the engine transition). i don't like you for destroying the smoothness, responsiveness, and configurability of opera's gui (directly or indirectly as a result of the engine transition). i take all of my criticism back if features and gui customizability and smoothness get restored.
  70. opera 15 is terrible.
  71. i don't switch, even if i am not happy with the current opera version. why isn't there something i like about the new opera and prefer from opera 15? not a really democratic poll. ;-)
  72. i do not need a clone of chrome. i welcomed the change to the webkit core for better compatibility, but not at the cost chosen. i do not pursue installing a freak with all the accessories that do not really replace the original functionality.
  73. so long, and thanks for all the fish.
  74. rest in peace.
  75. shame on you.
  76. you and google are forcing me to completely reshape my use of the web.
  77. what a pity ...
  78. main reason: killing presto. it's important to be 'up-to-date' with every web standard, but choosing webkit will create a situation similar to what we had before with firefox - websites that only work in ie.
  79. i'm off to chrome, to see what opera 15 could have been, let alone exceeded!
  80. opera team: please return the old opera or, if possible, just change the core - nothing more. thank you.
  81. now opera is just one browser among others. i would still have used it, but your decision to eliminate bookmarks makes it completely useless to me.
  82. quit your denial, opera 15 is no longer unique or the best at anything. be more open with your desktop users, and listen to their feedback. wake up, you are moving downhill!
  83. rip opera.
  84. if i want chrome, i will use chrome; i wanted opera, so i will use chrome, which is way better than o15.
  85. r.i.p. opera! it was too good to last forever, but we enjoyed the ride while it did.
  86. what the f***
  87. it was great all these years, thanks. too bad you fell for the "simple and stupid" trend. please release presto as open source, cheers!
  88. those were the days, my friend, we thought they'd never end.
  89. i love opera 12.
  90. before 2012, presto was actually the only rendering engine. while it became much slower and more memory-consuming in 2012, it is still a loss that opera replaced it. webkit is the worst engine available on the market, so farewell, opera. you really were the fastest browser on earth.
  91. don't change what is good. change what is bad!
  92. thanks for the best browser ever. this was the only convenient one, and it brought great ideas. but nowadays, the only religion is money; it has nothing to do with it.
  93. it was nice to know and use you - had brilliant features and ideas but it's sad that with the current switch your usage rate will probably drop from this 1-2% to 0.00% -- very sad :(
  94. nooooooooo
  95. don't change the stability; popularity is not right.
  96. farewell.
  97. opera is dead - long live opera. (as a phantom fan ;-)
  98. if i wanted a "core web browsing experience," i could download chrome; there is no reason to choose opera instead. the only alternative is firefox with many plugins - it will be slow, but better than not having these features at all. i would be willing to pay for opera with good features.
  99. thanks for the good time and please put your old codebase under the gpl.
  100. if i did not care about security and privacy - i'd use ie/ff/chromium/whatever. but i choose opera (v3~v12) - not by chance. if i'd like to use a chromium - i'd use it from the first hands, not just another clone of it. open-source presto/caracan so that someone could provide really secure, lite and standard-compliant browser.