Nûjenî teknolocyayê di sektora xizmeta mişterî de

Slav hevalno! Navê min Jelena ye û ez xwendekarê xizmeta mişterî me. Ev lêkolîn beşek ji projeya lêkolînê min e. Ez di lêkolînê de çawa trendên nûjenî teknolocyayê di sektora xizmeta mişterî de tesîr dikin. Ji kerema xwe 5 deqîqe bide ku ev pirsan bersiv bidin û alîkarî min bikin ku bersivan berhev bikim. Spas gelek!

Cinsiyeta te?

Temenê te

Neteweyê te?

  1. indian
  2. indian
  3. indian
  4. indian
  5. indian
  6. indian
  7. indian
  8. hungarian
  9. indian
  10. india

Çi karê te ye?

Çend caran tu sefer dikin?

Tu çawa vacationên xwe rezerv dikin?

Çi cureyê transportê tu bi kar tînin da ku biçe malpera sefêrê xwe?

Ma tu şansê te da ku bi appsên mobile check-inê di otelê de check-in bikî?

Ji bo te, çi tiştê herî girîng e ku otel divê hebin?

10. Ma girîng e ku tu WiFi di otelê de hebî?

Ma şîroveya serhêl tesîr dike li ser hilbijartina te dema ku tu otel rezerv dikin?

Ma tu dikarî bi peyvên xwe re nûjenîyan diyar bikî?

  1. innovation means producing new ideas to improve qualities or create new strategies for your plans.
  2. na
  3. that provide you living with ease
  4. innovations can positively impact our lives.
  5. unique development
  6. in the hospitality industry, innovation, in my opinion, is to promote much easier and quicker customer services, from hotel bookings made by customers to their check-in and check-out. communications should be much easier to meet customers' needs.
  7. new tools that assist in the development of hotels to thrive in the market.
  8. advanced technology is used.
  9. its most
  10. safetyue

Hilton Worldwide xizmeta nû ya xwe pêşkêş kir ku destûr dide mişterî ku check-in û check-out bike, odehê hilbijêre û daxwazên zêde bike û hemû bi smartphone-yan re kirrî. Ma tu difikirî ku ev nûjenî ji bo kompanîya otelê fêdeyê? Erê/Na (ji kerema xwe herî kêm yek sedem diyar bike).

  1. yes, it is beneficial for the hotel company as they can select the services through the mobile application.
  2. na
  3. yes
  4. yes, it is very helpful. we can book rooms anytime and anywhere.
  5. yes, a person can easily make a booking.
  6. yes. because nowadays life has become so fast and swift that many of our daily tasks can be completed within minutes. if you have a smartphone in your hand, everything becomes so easy, from buying grocery items to online bill payments, from purchasing movie tickets to buying property. so why not book hotels?
  7. yes: it makes the service faster.
  8. yes, the staff is reduced for technology.
  9. i like to visit new places.
  10. yes - convenience

Heke tu Serokê Giştî ya otelê bî, ma tu bifikirî ku ev nûjenî pêşkêş bikî da ku xercan kêm bike (karmendên kêm biki)?

Heke bersiva te ji pirsê berê NA bû, ji kerema xwe şirove bike çima?

  1. because technology means more money.
  2. 请提供需要翻译的内容。
  3. you have only one chance for a first impression, and that’s the staff that works at the front desk. also, you always need some suggestions and a nice smile from the staff to make your day.
  4. it's a service that will always succeed with person-to-person interaction (requires the `human` factor).
  5. because the hospitality industry is about service and it's intangible, which cannot be replaced with devices.
  6. because hospitality means that the service takes care of and anticipates guests' needs. employees can also help make the hotel very unique.
  7. because i still believe people should have more interaction with guests, computers are still not smarter than people.
  8. i would introduce this innovation but not in order to hire fewer staff. i also like the idea of having a room key on the smartphone application (it will probably come soon).
  9. i think that the relationship between guests and employees is really important; if you have fewer staff, individual employees are not able to focus in detail on every guest.
  10. /

Heke bersiva te ji pirsê hejmar 14 ERÊ bû, ma tu difikirî ku têkiliyê di navbera mişterî û karmendên otelê de kêm bibe an na?

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