Pêşkeftina Perwerdeya Piştî Dibistan (bo karûbarên akademîk)

Hûn dikin ku ew mümkün e an jî xwestek e ku ji çarçoveya kevneşopî ya salê akademîk û demjimêra kursan dûr bibe?

  1. in my opinion, students can study according to an individual plan and study externally.
  2. i think partly so. higher education institutions should have more opportunities to plan the study process more flexibly, to enable students to choose the necessary study subjects themselves and to accumulate the necessary number of credits needed to obtain a qualification.
  3. it could be possible due to the current climate.
  4. no. the structure of the academic year and the duration of courses are optimally arranged.
  5. yes
  6. i don't think so.
  7. not sure.
  8. no students with families depend on the college being in sync with their children's school year.
  9. yes
  10. i believe it is highly possible, and in fact, i encourage it as one of the possible ways of making education more flexible for students who already have very busy schedules.
  11. yes
  12. yes, historically courses are designed to fit around this concept rather than what is optimal for delivering a meaningful learning experience.
  13. no
  14. absolutely. this would connect to the point above where learners would engage directly with industry and, in doing so, adopt a similar working pattern as the employers involved in the programs. to move away from the traditional 'school-based model of delivery,' learners would again take that vital step away from school life and enter the world of work, learning soft skills along the way. this would again provide a more authentic, industry-specific experience, encouraging learners to grow and learn through continued project-based learning.
  15. i believe it is possible, but it is necessary to change the entire study plan, look for other, new methods, and also review the education laws regarding the freedom for changes.
  16. i do. it can be done in the summer, during work holidays, in the evenings, on weekends, etc.