Pêşkeftina Perwerdeya Piştî Dibistan (bo karûbarên akademîk)
Kursên ku hûn bawer in, çi dikarin bibe ku bibe nebe ya jî pêdivî ye ku guherîna girîng pêk bîne?
childhood pedagogy
i have no opinion.
all study programs conducted at the college are updated annually, taking into account the proposals of social partners and changes in business. based on the needs, new ones are prepared.
business management
not sure
general courses
writing (academic, creative..)
i would prefer not to evaluate, as i do not have enough information on this matter.
communication fields can be expanded significantly as the technological background is evolving rapidly.
the document management subject needs to be updated as companies work with document management systems.
sports management, business, theatre arts, and social care. also, psychology and social science.
i don’t know.
all old ones that contain context of manual work, paperwork, not popular ones