पश्चात विद्यालय शैक्षिक प्रावधान (शैक्षिक कर्मचारीका लागि)

यस प्रस्तावित अनुसन्धानको उद्देश्य भनेको, आर्थिक, सामाजिक, र व्यावसायिक कारकहरूसँग सम्बन्धित विश्वव्यापी अस्थिरताको वर्तमान समयमा, विद्यार्थीहरूलाई विद्यालयपछि शैक्षिक प्रावधानमा प्रवेश गर्ने विषयमा कसरी दृष्टिकोण गर्छन् भन्ने कुरा पत्ता लगाउने प्रयास गर्नु हो।

विद्यार्थी र शिक्षण कर्मचारी दुवैतर्फबाट, शैक्षिक वर्षको संरचना, वितरणका विधिहरू, र अध्ययनका तरिकाहरू, नयाँ पाठ्यक्रमका क्षेत्रहरू र वित्तका स्रोतहरूमा के परिवर्तनहरू उपयुक्त हुन सक्छन् भन्ने कुरा पत्ता लगाउने प्रस्ताव गरिएको छ।

यो प्रस्ताव यस्ता कारकहरूको छलफलमा प्रत्यक्ष अनुभवबाट उत्पन्न भएको हो:

1 विद्यालय छोडेपछि तुरुन्तै अध्ययनमा प्रवेश गर्नको लागि बाह्य दबाब।

2 कक्षाको पारंपरिक मोडसँगको कठिनाई र यस मोडमा निरन्तरता दिनको लागि अनिच्छा।

3 उपलब्ध कार्यक्रमहरूको चयनमा कठिनाई र आकर्षण।

4 वित्तीय बाधाहरू।

5 वातावरण र अर्थतन्त्रको सन्दर्भमा भविष्यको चिन्ता।

6 स्थापित सामाजिक अपेक्षाहरूमा असन्तोषको सम्भावना।

7 कलेज र विश्वविद्यालयहरूमा वित्तीय दबाब र परिणामस्वरूप लागत घटाउने र आय बढाउने दबाब।

तपाईंको विचारमा संभावित विद्यार्थीहरूको मुख्य चिन्ताहरू के के हुन्, र के कुराले तिनीहरूलाई उच्च शिक्षा प्रवेश गर्नबाट रोक्न सक्छ?

  1. high minimum requirements, the need to pass relevant state matriculation exams to obtain a state-funded place.
  2. weak knowledge of secondary education and high tuition fees.
  3. the main concerns for students would be access to information regarding their course and obtaining the relevant certificates to apply for higher education.
  4. job and career opportunities after graduation; high tuition fees
  5. it's too hard and too expensive.
  6. not knowing what to choose
  7. the main concerns outlined above and a question of trust. young people do not trust.
  8. financial barriers
  9. will you be able to study, or will you cover the expenses for your studies?
  10. the ever-increasing price of education as well as the pressure to perform. not to mention the lack of certain job opportunities in highly competitive fields.

विद्यार्थीहरूका लागि उच्च शिक्षा लागत घटाउन के गर्न सकिन्छ?

  1. tuition fees could be financed by companies whose employees are studying in higher education, sponsoring scholarships for the best students.
  2. higher education costs for students can only be changed by government decisions. at the moment, they are quite high. therefore, more and more students are choosing to continue their studies while working. some young people do not have the means to pay for their studies, so they opt for vocational schools or go abroad.
  3. more funding from government
  4. tax breaks for maintaining higher education
  5. provide more resources as well as food while they are on campus
  6. facilitate student loans
  7. if grants from social partners or individuals were possible..
  8. more government funding
  9. it is good to make studies free for students who are learning.
  10. implementing some sort of work-study programs.

के तपाईंलाई लाग्छ कि पारंपरिक शैक्षिक वर्षको संरचना र पाठ्यक्रमको अवधि परिवर्तन गर्नु सम्भव वा इच्छनीय छ?

  1. in my opinion, students can study according to an individual plan and study externally.
  2. i think partly so. higher education institutions should have more opportunities to plan the study process more flexibly, to enable students to choose the necessary study subjects themselves and to accumulate the necessary number of credits needed to obtain a qualification.
  3. it could be possible due to the current climate.
  4. no. the structure of the academic year and the duration of courses are optimally arranged.
  5. yes
  6. i don't think so.
  7. not sure.
  8. no students with families depend on the college being in sync with their children's school year.
  9. yes
  10. i believe it is highly possible, and in fact, i encourage it as one of the possible ways of making education more flexible for students who already have very busy schedules.

कुन नयाँ पाठ्यक्रम र विषय क्षेत्रहरू विकास गर्नुपर्छ?

  1. to pay more attention to the development of creativity, communication, entrepreneurship, and public speaking.
  2. businesses in the region need specialists in car maintenance, informatics, and mechatronics. however, young people prefer to study social sciences.
  3. gaming could be developed. stem subjects promoted to female students, etc.
  4. innovation management
  5. the courses should not be so focused on end tests and should be more challenging throughout. they should also remain relevant.
  6. special abilities
  7. critical thinking, cultural studies, globalization issues
  8. play therapy / mindfulness training / art therapy
  9. to pay more attention to foreign language studies and knowledge of the homeland.
  10. information sciences should be highly developed as quickly as possible.

कुन पाठ्यक्रमहरू, तपाईंको विचारमा, पुरानो हुँदै गइरहेका छन् वा महत्वपूर्ण परिवर्तनको आवश्यकता छ?

  1. childhood pedagogy
  2. i have no opinion.
  3. all study programs conducted at the college are updated annually, taking into account the proposals of social partners and changes in business. based on the needs, new ones are prepared.
  4. english
  5. business management
  6. not sure
  7. general courses
  8. writing (academic, creative..)
  9. i would prefer not to evaluate, as i do not have enough information on this matter.
  10. communication fields can be expanded significantly as the technological background is evolving rapidly.

कुन पाठ्यक्रमहरू विद्यार्थीहरूका लागि कम आकर्षक हुँदैछन् र किन?

  1. childhood pedagogy
  2. students will find subjects that only have theoretical teaching unattractive; imitating real situations, solving real problems, case analysis, and making creative decisions are important for students. it is essential for the student to be an active participant in the study process.
  3. fewer students choose fields of study with more exact sciences. this is partially influenced by weak preparation for studies and a lack of knowledge in mathematics.
  4. stem subjects are less attractive to female students.
  5. pedagogy of biology, chemistry, and physics
  6. not sure
  7. mathematician
  8. maybe students can provide an answer to this question. not sure.
  9. courses where you can be trained by a private training provider. they do it in less time and with less academic content.
  10. i don't know.

कुन पाठ्यक्रमहरू लोकप्रियतामा वृद्धि हुँदैछन्?

  1. law; nursing
  2. digitization, financial literacy, investing, entrepreneurship, and others
  3. i think nursing, logistics, informatics.
  4. beauty
  5. it, robotics
  6. courses that lead to job security
  7. engineering, technology
  8. technologies, engineering, pedagogy, social work
  9. psychology courses
  10. i don't know.

तपाईं कति पटक पाठ्यक्रमको प्रावधानको समीक्षा गर्नुहुन्छ?

  1. never
  2. after the end of the semester or when the legal documents change.
  3. yearly. taking into account the proposals or wishes of social partners and employers. students also sometimes express their opinion on the organization of studies, the relevance of the knowledge they receive, or the content of their study subjects.
  4. n/a
  5. once or twice a year in the academic calendar.
  6. termly and yearly
  7. often
  8. once per semester
  9. yearly
  10. once a year

कलेज र विश्वविद्यालयहरूले उद्योग र व्यापारसँग प्रभावकारी रूपमा कसरी सहकार्य गर्न सक्छन्, ताकि पाठ्यक्रम उद्योग र व्यापारसँग सम्बन्धित हो?

  1. they must work together to determine what competencies are required by specialists in the relevant field, accept them for internships, conduct lectures, share best practices, and present real business problems for students to solve.
  2. all newly prepared study programs are coordinated with employers and social partners. regarding individual study subjects and their content, we often communicate and consult with university researchers.
  3. by discussing the industry needs and ensuring this is then taught
  4. meetings, joint events, joint conferences
  5. building up and maintaining good partnerships
  6. specialization of in-demand professions
  7. cooperate on a daily basis, consult with each other, voice their concerns, and trust each other.
  8. working groups and collaborative dialogue with the sector
  9. collaborate in conducting commissioned research.
  10. the institution must constantly communicate with managers or responsible representatives of companies and institutions: organize events during which social partners would share their thoughts about changes in the need for specialist training competencies, the need for specialists, and employment opportunities.

के प्रत्येक पाठ्यक्रममा कार्य अनुभवको एक तत्व समावेश गर्नुपर्छ? यो कति लामो हुनु पर्छ?

  1. professional practices are mandatory; internships, company tours, meetings with social partners, and discussions would also be appropriate.
  2. yes. it should. about 30 percent of the total study time.
  3. yes
  4. yes, a minimum of 3 months.
  5. yes, as it would prevent students from progressing in a field that they would leave after graduation because they don't actually like it.
  6. every course must include work experience.
  7. not necessarily
  8. yes, at least one day a week.
  9. yes
  10. yes, at least a month each year.

तपाईंको संस्था र देश:

  1. marijampole college
  2. marijampole college, lithuania
  3. marijampole college, lithuania
  4. glasgow kelvin college scotland
  5. marijampolė college
  6. glasgow kelvin scotland
  7. marijampole university of applied sciences, lithuania
  8. lithuania, marijampole university of applied sciences
  9. scotland
  10. lithuania, marijampolė college

तपाईं हुनुहुन्छ:

तपाईंको उमेर:

आफ्नो प्रश्नावली सिर्जना गर्नुहोस्यस प्रश्नावलीमा जवाफ दिनुहोस्