1) Maalummaa kee maali?

I am a final year student from City University of Hong Kong. I am conducting a research project on the factors affecting young adults in low cost airline selection. The purpose is to suggest improvement for low cost airline to increase the competitive power in the airline industry. I hope you will be able to use few minutes to complete the following questions. The questionnaire collected data is used only for academic purposes and will be kept confidential. Thank you.
1) Maalummaa kee maali?

1) Maalummaa kee maali?

2) Umurii kee meeqa? 您今年多少歲?

3) Maalummaa heerumaa kee maali? 您處於什麼婚姻狀況?

4) Maal ta'ee barnoota keeti?

5) Hojii kee maali?

6) Maalummaa maallaqaa ji'aa keessan maali?

7) Bara darbe (2013) yeroo meeqa baay'ee daawwattee?

8) Akkaataa xiyyaaraa kamtu filattee? 您會選擇那一類型的航空公司?

9. Yaada xinnaa baajata qilleensaa/對廉價航空公司的態度 (Safety 安全)

10) Yaada xiyyeeffannaa baasiin gatii gadi aanaa / Attitude to low cost airline (Gatii 價錢)

11) Faayidaa ilaalchisee / እንደሚታወቀው ጥቅም

12) Hiriyoota fi Maatii dhiibbaa / 朋友和家庭的影響

13) Madda lammaffaa dhiibbaa / 二手資料的影響

14) Yaada hojii irratti dhiibbaa / 職場的影響

15) Beekumsa gocha to'achuu / Beekumsa gocha to'achuu (Salphina)

16) Beekumsa gocha to'achuu / Beekumsa gocha to'achuu (Dandeettii kaffaltii)

17) Kaayyoo amala / 行為意向

Gaaffii keeti uumiAnketaa kanaaf deebii kenni