年轻成年人选择廉价航空公司的感知因素调查 / The survey of factors perceived by young adults in low cost airlines selection






廉价航空公司: 它被称为低成本航空公司并提供更低的票价和较少的舒适度。




作者:Mark Tang

年轻成年人选择廉价航空公司的感知因素调查 / The survey of factors perceived by young adults in low cost airlines selection

1) 您的性别是什么? What is your gender?

2) 您今年多少岁? How old are you?

3) 您处于什么婚姻状况? What is your marital status?

4) 您的教育程度是什么? What is your educational qualification?

5) 您的职业是什么? What is your occupation?

6) 您每月的平均收入是多少? What is your monthly incomes?

7) 过去一年(2013),您曾乘坐飞机出外旅游的次数? How many times did you travelled by airlines in last year (2013)?

8) 您会选择哪一类型的航空公司? Which types of airline did you choose?

9. 对廉价航空公司的态度 (安全) / Attitude to low cost airline (Safety)

10) 对廉价航空公司的态度 (价格) / Attitude to low cost airline (Price)

11) 感知有用性 / Perceived usefulness

12) 朋友和家庭的影响 / Friends and Family influence

13) 二手资料的影响 / Secondary sources influences

14) 职场的影响 / Workplace referents’ influence

15) 知觉行为控制 (容易程度) / Perceived behavior control (Easiness)

16) 知觉行为控制 (负担能力) / Perceived behavior control (Affordability)

17) 行为意向 / Behavioral intention
