Public forms

Teachers STEIN S
Directions:  The statements below are designed to find out more about your work in class. Please answer all the statementsRating scale from 1-5 1= totally disagree3= neither agree nor disagree5...
Distribution logistics and customer satisfaction
  Good afternoon, my name is Viktorija and I am studying at the University of Vilnius and now I am writing my diploma, I would be grateful if you could answer my...
The Impact of Multiculturalism on Entrepreneurship
A lot of international businesses have failed to hit the ground running, mainly due to the multicultural challenges entrepreneurs encounter in the countries where their businesses are internationalized. Differences exist...
Unlimited Voting  Vote Vote  VotePlease Note that Voting BEGINS on June 3rd, 2023, and ENDS on August 3, 2023. Make sure to go through and look over all of the...
Art Photography Know How and Interest
Hello,I am Linas, a student at Kaunas University of Technology for New Media Languages student. This questionnaire is about overall knowledge of photography.Survey should take less than a couple of minutes.Thank...
Perceptions on Turkey’s president Recep Tayyip Erdogan ahead of the 2023 election
My name is Karolina. I am a second-year New Media Language student at the Kaunas University of Technology.I am conducting a research study about the Perceptions of Turkey’s President Recep...
Language use in Eurovision Song Contest
Hello, My name is Gerda, and I am a second year student in KTU studying New Media Language. This survey will take <5 minutesYour responses are anonymous, and completely voluntaryIf...
Spread of information and public's reaction to the Ukraine-Russia conflict on social media
Hello, my name is Augustinas. I'm a second-year student of New Media Language study program at the Kaunas University of Technology. I am conducting research on the spread of information...
Celebrities' communication through social media
 Hello everyone, my name is Aruzhan Aiymbetova, I am a student of Social Sciences faculty at the Kaunas University of Technology. I'm conducting a non-profit survey on the way famous people,...
Teacher Well-Being Questionnaire – Teaching to Be Project - post C
INFORMED CONSENT FOR RESEARCH AND AUTHORIZATION FOR THE PROCESSING OFPERSONAL DATA Dear Teacher, We ask you to complete the following questionnaire, proposed within the European Erasmus+ project "Teaching to Be: Supporting Teacher’s...