Public forms

Samsung mobile phones
Hi! I am a Klaipeda business school student and I would be grateful if you could answer some questions about Samsung mobile phones.
A survey for Kiteboarders
voting bla bla bla
Dogs breeding
Hello! I am a Vytautas Magnus University final years business administration student. I am writing a graduation work of the University and carry out surveys, which I aim to explore...
Modeling software
Of all the sciences, mathematics is the one that causes the least debate over its validity.
Social Studies SBA Survey
Please complete this survey. It is very important that I get quick results so that I can finish my school work.
Consumer/perfume seller attitude to the perfume of YSL
This is about a psychoanalysis study of the perfume "OPIUM" of Yves Saint Laurent from Euromed Management. We thank you for providing a few minutes to share your feelings with...
Market Research for Name That Sticks
Would you be interested in part of your driving costs being reimbursed in return for an advertisement sticker on your car?
Social worker's help for victims of trafficking in women in the Netherlands and Lithuania
Hello, I am a fourth year social work student from Vilnius University of Lithuania. Now I am doing a research which purpose is to find out social work student’s knowledge...