Мental health problems: the example of Britney Spears

Recently, Britney temporarily disappeared from the media field, which alarmed fans. The singer explained her absence from the network by the fact that many people criticized her and called her "crazy". What do you think about it?

  1. Popularity has a great influence on a person's life. In order not to pay attention to public opinion, you need to have really great self-respect, value yourself and love yourself
  2. I think, that she is not typical person , so she gave absolutely another life and no one of us will never know about her thoughts and feelings. In my opinion, if it is her posts and writings , it is okay , she is free to post what she want and people who are interested in her personality will read , think and comment. But if posts in her profile are not written by her, IDK , it is just somebody’s piar .
  3. If you translate your life via social media, you should be ready for such kind of comments, feedbacks and etc.
  4. Nothing
  5. All people have their unique life style and it's normal
  6. I don't think she's alive
  7. She had no support from loved ones. Everyone used her fame, she broke down inside herself. I'm very sorry for her
  8. Я считаю, что она зависима от своих фанатов. Чтобы трезво мыслить и не поддаваться эмоциям, критике, оскорблениям, надо начать с основ науки и философии. Хорошо уметь пользоваться логикой (логика это раздел науки, а точнее раздел математики). Придётся ещё научится критическому мышлению, хотя бы труды Рене Декарта прочитать, благо книжка в 30 страниц. Проще говоря, придётся работать над собой, а это путь долгий и не лёгкий, но зато оно полностью стоит того.
  9. Don't care
  10. Bad