8064 Growth Survey

Results are publicly available

Are you interested in the graffiti culture?

Are you concerned about the ethics of graffiti?

Are you interested in learning about more places where it is legal to graffiti?

Do you prefer purchasing graffiti products online or in-store?

Would you be interested in a streetwear line representing a graffiti brand?

1 - not at all, 10 - extremely

Have you heard of Rabeko?

If yes, how often do you purchase Rabeko's products?

0 - Never, 10 - Very Often

Have you heard of Not4toys?

If yes, how often do you purchase Not4toys' products?

0 - Never, 10 - Very Often

Would you be interested in obtaining a membership at a graffiti shop that would give you benefits such as discount pricing, promotions, a newsletter, etc.?

Would you be interested in reading a magazine that a graffiti shop released?

Would you be interested in attending a workshop held by advanced graffiti artists in order to learn basic or more advanced techniques?

Would you be willing to pay to attend such a workshop?

Would you be interested in a premium range of paint products (better quality, higher price)?

In which age group do you belong?