A Questionnaire for Research

What is your opinion about human replacement to robots in factories?

  1. It is good up to a certain limit.
  2. Not ok
  3. robot require electrical energy to perform the task..human needs human energy able to do for sometime.....robot require battery able to do task in time.
  4. the human will be lazy
  5. > Cool computer, but rcoitobs? Come on. This costs $250. > Killing a fly with a hand grenade.WTF? I'm wondering if it has *enough* CPU to do anything useful, and you're already implying it has *too much*?Hate to break it to you, but rcoitobs will eat up all the CPU power you can throw at it. Try doing vision, kinematics, motion planning, AI, etc. on-board a robot and see how far you get.
  6. Your story was really informative, takhns!
  7. positively