A revolution is coming with "The Ultimate Plus"

Hi there, below are the questions that we-Google want to ask you about our current social media platform Google+ and we glad to inform you that we are making some change and there will be a revolution in the next few months. Just fill in this questionnaire and you will a part of our revolution.

Thank you.

What do you usually use your smartphone for?

    Can you give us an example of which non-Google-applications/service you use for some specific needs? (Ex: Google Maps for finding ways and locations)

      Which social media platform that you are mainly using?

      Have you ever used Google+?

      If yes, what is your opinion of Google+ using interface and utilities? Choose one option in the scale below that can indicate your thought?

      If no, what is your current social platform?

        If you think it still needs to be improved, which part is on your list and how do you want us to change it?

          Which one of these Google’s services that you use mostly?

          . Do you think it will be useful for you if Google integrate all their service in one small smartphone application?

          Would you be interested in our new campaign on developing “The Ultimate Plus” app for smartphone user like you?

          If yes, what would you expect from this new application?

            If no, why?

              Create your questionnaireAnswer this form