A study on the influence of in-flight service quality on passenger satisfaction.

I am Cynthia Chan who is studying in the Aviation Management program (Coventry University). I am now doing my final year project, and I need your help to collect data to identify passengers’ satisfaction and expectations towards the current in-flight service quality of airlines. It takes about 5-10 minutes to answer. The data will be used solely for this project and disposed of when the project is completed. Thank you so much!! :)

You are


Which of these ethnic groups/nationalities do you belong to:

Other option

  1. indian
  2. india
  3. indian
  4. india
  5. indian
  6. india
  7. india
  8. india
  9. indian
  10. india

What level of education do you have?

How many times do you fly on average in one year?

What is your purpose for flying?

Part 2 Please choose your answer based on your in-flight experiences in the past. (1= Strongly dissatisfied, 8= Very satisfied, 0= No opinion)

Create your questionnaireAnswer this form