A survey on people's current knowledge and potentiality of insurance industry


I am Md. Anisul Islam from Department of Marketing, University of Dhaka.

We want to know how people think about insurance and its importance in our life and thereby analyze its future in this country. We want to know about the lacking degree of insurance marketing and its urgency and expansion to flourish insurance in this country. We also want to know how people fear about policy holder's harassment and return of sum up after occurrence

Questionnaire results are publicly available

How much do you know about the insurance system in Bangladesh?

How much essential is insurance in our life to exist well?

How much urgent is insurance to protect your properties?

Have you taken any insurance policy?

Is there any plan to take an insurance policy after hearing or knowing the policy's importance in your life?

If you have interest in taking an insurance policy, which type of insurance policy do you prefer for yourself?

Do you have friends or relatives having properties insurable but they have no insurance policy?

If you have friends or relatives who can make insurance policies, what percentage have been insured?

How much do you hear about insurance policies in the media?

How many times have you faced any insurance promotional campaign or have seen to be faced?

Which type of insurance policy do you think is mostly needed for our country?

If you know about insurance from marketing programs, how much are you clearly aware of the policy's benefits and importance for your life and wealth or properties?

How much fear do you have of harassment from the insurance policy maker or return of money sum if something occurs?