A Survey on the ¨Effectiveness of Facebook Marketing in Tellecommunication Industry of Bangladesh¨ - copy - copy

Hi there,

It's a survey on the effectiveness of Facebook Marketing in tellecommunication industry of Bangladesh. In this survey you will be asked only 13 questions on the basis of your response to Facebook pages and Facebook advertisements of Mobile phone Operator Companies (Grameenphone, Robi, Banglalink, Airtel and Teletalk).

The poll results are private

Your Name


    Your Age



      Your Occupation


        Do you have Facebook account?

        How often do you visit Facebook Pages of Mobile phone operators(Grameenphone/Banglalink/Robi/Teletalk)

        Have you joined Facebook pages of Grameenphone/Banglalink/Robi/Teletalk?

        Facebook page contents (posts,video,offers,images,info-graphics etc)attract your attention.

        You often share facebook contents of mobile phone operators with others.

        You talk about the Facebook Activity of mobile phone operators off-line(with friends/family members) or on-line(in Twitter/Linkedin/Instagram etc)

        You often click on display advertising or banners of the mobile phone operators in Facebook.

        Facebook status of mobile phone operators influence (always/sometimes) you to buy there offrings or services.

        Facebook activities of mobile phone operators change your attitude toward their brand.

        Information provided by mobile phone operators Facebook pages are satisfactory.

        Mobile phone operators respond to your comments in Facebook frequently.

        Facebook pages and Facebook advertisements of mobile phone operators seem annoying to you.

        Which of the following you like most of the mobile phone operator's Facebook pages,their _

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