Adult Entertainment

Questionnaire results are available only to the author


AGE: ✪

In the last 6 months, have you purchased anything ONLINE? ✪

If you answered NO, why?

When you hear about adult toys: ✪

Have you ever thought about using an adult entertainment toy? ✪

If you answered NO, why?

If you wanted to buy an adult entertainment toy, through what type of store would you acquire it: ✪

I would choose based on? (you can choose more than one option): ✪

If you had the opportunity for a salesperson to visit you directly at your home or that of a friend, once organizing a group of at least 5 friends to show the range of toys she sells, their use, price, characteristics, etc., would you be willing to participate in one of these meetings? ✪

If you answered NO, why?

How much do you think you would be willing to spend in BsF on an item of this type: ✪