Affect EXPO to a Hospitality industry pre/post event

Have you ever participated in mega-events? (World Cup, Olympic Games, EXPO, etc.)

  1. no
  2. no
  3. no
  4. no
  5. no
  6. no
  7. no
  8. no
  9. yes
  10. no
  11. no
  12. no
  13. no
  14. no
  15. in the world cup.
  16. yes!
  17. i am about to participate in expo 2017 in kazakhstan.
  18. yes, in the world cup
  19. no
  20. yes, in the world cup
  21. no
  22. yes!
  23. yes, in expo
  24. yes, in expo
  25. no
  26. i was in the world cup.
  27. no
  28. yes, i did! at expo milan.
  29. i did in the world cup.
  30. not yet, but about to participate in the next olympic games!
  31. i was in the world cup and expo milan.
  32. yes, in expo
  33. i was participating in the olympic games.
  34. i am about to participate in expo 2017 in astana.
  35. yes, i did.