Age of mythology

Jai pazimejote kiti,parasykite kokie

  1. A
  2. Unfortunately that's just a part of life! I used to, hell who am I kidding, I STILL get so scread when I post something online or share an opinion that someone is going to dissagree with me and start a whole big issue with it. You can either do what I ended up doing (hiding really, rarely sharing my opinion with anyone and rarely if ever responding to something someone had to say against my opinion(mainly because I have no idea how to respond most of the time)) Or you do what you're doing, grin and bear it and keep on trucking. I was only able to find the comment on the CityTV thing, and the only reason I didn't end up posting a comment was because I'm truly too lazy to create a login(maybe tomorrow), but what that person was saying is bollocks. Sure, those are great ideas to live by (the no debt, pay as you go ect.), if you can be taught that and live by that your entire life, but um, people pay a lot of money for the service that you're giving, so why is bartering different than money? Money is still something that you work hard for, and who's to say if you each had us pay for the advice that you wouldn't go out and buy what you're getting anyway?This is just a long winded way of saying, you got it right, haters gonna hate. Nothing we can do, you're doing what you want and you're not hurting anyone so barter on luv, barter on.
  3. Check that off the list of thgnis I was confused about.
  4. nu anketa nepritaikyta svejkai mastantiems
  5. hades
  6. udr
  7. jox
  8. swejkuciai mano mielieji zujkiai...esu visaj njieko tokia mergyte,jaj nesunku,parasykit man...pabendrausim:) Mano nr.+37068178853
  9. nepazymejau
  10. nzn