Albanian identity in Montenegro

We propose you to take part in a research project, exploring ethnic identity in the multicultural societies. All the data will be used only for scientific purposes. Please choose one answer in each list. If you couldn’t find an appropriate item, mark “It’s difficult to give an answer”. Pay attention please that it is necessary to answer every question in the questionnaire! Thanks for your contribution!
Questionnaire results are available only to the author

Name: ✪

Sex: ✪

Age: ✪

Education: ✪

Place of residence: ✪

Ethnicity: ✪

Religion: ✪

Mark below which national holidays of Montenegro you celebrate (you can mark several items): ✪

Mark below which national holidays of Albania you celebrate (you can mark several items): ✪

Do you celebrate traditional holidays of your ethnic group? ✪

Does religion consolidate people of your ethnic group? ✪

What language is native for you? (You can mark several items) ✪

What language do you use in your daily life (at home/talking to your relatives and friends)? (you can mark several items) ✪

What language do you use at work? (you can mark several items) ✪

What newspapers or publications do you prefer to read? (you can mark several items) ✪

Is there a sufficient number of books and newspapers published in your native language in the town/district you live in? ✪

Do the local authorities encourage (put premium on) learning and development of your native language in the town/district you live in? ✪

Is education in Albanian language available at your town/village school? ✪

Does the independence proclamation of Albania (in 1912) have great importance for you? ✪

Mark below prominent Albanian persons: ✪

Do you take pride in the Albanian victory at Deciq mountain (in 1912)? ✪

Do you consider the annexation of Albanian territory by Montenegro (in 1878, 1912) as historical injustice? ✪

During the 20th century, the political, civil, economic, and cultural status of Albanians in Montenegro: ✪

Do you consider the disintegration of Yugoslavia as a logical occurrence? ✪

Do you recognize Montenegro within its present-day borders? ✪

After the independence proclamation of Montenegro (in 2006), the political, civil, economic, and cultural status of local Albanians: ✪

Do you consider the separation of Kosovo from Serbia as a logical occurrence? ✪

Do you consider the interests and rights of the members of your ethnic group to be infringed? ✪

Are there (in Montenegro) ethnic groups which have any privileges? ✪

Has the precedent of Kosovo compelled Montenegrin authorities to respect the interests and rights of local Albanians? ✪

Will the status of local Albanians be improved in the nearest future? ✪

Is autonomy the only way to preserve the cultural heritage of the Albanians and improve their social, economic, and legal status? ✪

Does the recognition of Kosovo by Montenegro give a reason to consider that Tuzi and Ulcinj will receive the status of autonomy? ✪

Who has more influence on the solution of problems in the district/town in your opinion? (You can mark several items) ✪

Who do you mostly trust (You can mark several items) ✪

Have you ever run into the activity of non-governmental organizations defending the rights of ethnic minorities? ✪

Should the state authorities support the activity of ethno-cultural organizations and the Diaspora in order to have additional opportunities to improve the political, civil, economic, and cultural status of your ethnic group? ✪

How do you estimate the chances of Albanians to participate in the political life of Montenegro in the nearest future? ✪

Is your ethnicity important for you? ✪

Do you take pride in your ethnic group? ✪

Do you get on with people of another ethnic origin? ✪

Have you ever participated in conflicts because of your ethnicity? ✪

Have you ever had situations when you felt resentment or mortification because of your ethnicity? ✪

Who do you mostly trust in life? (You can mark several items) ✪

Who do you mostly trust in business? (You can mark several items) ✪

Would you marry a person from another ethnic group? ✪