Are you satisfied with your local gym services?

Let us know a bit about you, your preferences and what you would like to see at the gym in the future. All your responses are anonymous and will be used only for the statistics project. Thank You.

Do you currently use gym services?

How often do you visit the gym?

Other option

    On weekdays I go to the gym between:

    Other option

      On weekends I go to the gym between:

      Other option

        I visit the gym to:

        Other option

          How important are the following aspects when you are joining or renewing membership at the gym?

          What kind of gym equipment is the most important to you?

          Select the services that would add the most value to your experience at the gym:

          Other option

            Have you ever purchased personal training sessions from the gym?

            If no, why not?

              Your gender:

              Your age:


                Share your additional thoughts about the gym in general:

                  Create your questionnaireAnswer this form